Prophetic Update For America/Trump Victory/God’s Brilliant Plan And Wealth Transfer

Prophetic Update For America/Trump Victory/God’s Brilliant Plan And Wealth Transfer

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on November 27, 2020.

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Those of you who are just coming on the broadcast, I am sharing a prophetic update with you all today. Okay? So are you ready? All right.

So, my friends, many of you have found me here on the internet, uh, on YouTube or Facebook, uh, because of some prophetic words that the Lord had me release the last few months, particularly this last month of November 2020 right around the election of the United States of America for the president. Okay?

So we released, the Lord had me release a powerful word, uh, just after the presidential election, a few days after here in November. The prophetic word was, uh, 11/11. The, the name of the prophetic word was 11/11, and the, it, it said, um, you know, “Get ready for big booms. Get ready for big booms.” Okay, and then it said, “God’s brilliant plan. The brilliant plan of God.” So it said, “11/11 – The Brilliant Plan of God – Get Ready For Big Booms.” (You can watch that prophetic word HERE.)

Okay, so many of you found me because of that prophetic word that the Lord released through this ministry, uh, because right after the election there was all this uncertainty, and the Lord spoke to me and said, “Please tell my people that my brilliant plan is going forth. To start watching on 11/11 — November 11 — that’s when it’s all going to start, and my brilliant plan is going forth. That President Trump will win this election. He’s won this election, and, um, that he will serve two terms, and just to continue to pray on these words and stay strong and faithful.” 

And many of you found me with that word because the Lord took that recording — I recorded that prophetic word, put it on Facebook, put it on YouTube, and the Lord took those videos and made them go viral. He wanted to make sure that that message of encouragement went out to many of you. And it was really amazing because I had so many people that contacted me after they heard that word of the Lord and said, “Oh, my goodness, I have been, uh, so encouraged by this word.” 

And that’s what the prophetic word should do. The prophetic word should share the heart of God and, uh, you know, encourage and build your faith and strengthen your faith and give you instruction how to pray. 

And so, uh, many things have been unfolding since that prophetic word went out. The Lord said to begin to watch on 11/11 and watch all these things as, has been unfolding. If you’ve been following me here on YouTube, and you see all the different posts I’ve been doing — not just videos but text posts, you know, community posts. I’ve been giving you updates on these, these booms that have been coming, this brilliant plan of God as it’s been unfolding. So we’ve been seeing, uh, um, God’s brilliant plan unfolding in this election and how, uh, God is taking down the enemy, uh, and how all these things are being exposed and, uh, how the victory is going to come together for President Trump and for God’s people. 

The Lord also reminded me of another word that was given just, uh, two months ago or so, during Communion right here on the broadcast. Uh, it was called, the word was called, “A Page Has Been Turned. (You can watch that word HERE.”)

So these two words are very important. They’re very connected. So the word that was given two months ago, “A Page Has Been Turned.” I’ll have Piccirillo pull that up off my channel and give you guys the link. I want you to go back to that word, “A Page Has Been Turned.” The, the, the Lord gave me a very strong vision in the Courts of Heaven in real-time. We were here on the broadcast. We had just gotten done with Communion. The Holy Spirit came on me very strongly and brought me into the Courts of Heaven and gave me a very powerful vision of, uh, what is going on in the Courts of Heaven right now, uh, and that there was an ancient book that was opened. And two angels standing and the Lord standing over the book, and a, a sound was going out over the nations of Scotland, particularly the United Kingdom, and over America, and there was a very powerful sound that was converging of, uh, the bagpipes playing “Scotland the Brave.” 

It was a sound of victory and, uh, the drum and fife in America, and, uh, which these sounds were converging. And it was the sound of like the battle was over, the troops are returning, and they’re playing the song of victory, and then it all converged and came together. And I was hearing, uh, the “Battle Hymn of the Republic — Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, and so it was the sound of victory. And, uh, it was the sound of the authority of Jesus Christ and the, coming upon, uh, this, this land.

And so you want to, what I want to encourage you is to go back to those original words. Go back to “A Page Has Been Turned,” and watch that word and let is soak into your spirit, and then also the, “11/11 – God’s Brilliant Plan.” 

Now, I didn’t realize those two words were connected until last night. Um, the Lord has been revealing more to me, uh, and it’s very exciting because I have a prophetic up, update regarding those words, and, uh, yesterday, last night, the Lord revealed to me that the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is President Donald J. Trump’s favorite hymn. He absolutely loves it. He loves it. And I said, “Lord,” I said, “Why are you telling me now? Is this ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic,’ is that the victory song tied into President Trump’s victory?” And the Lord said, “Yes.” 

And then He showed me that on Wednesday there was a hearing that went on in Pennsylvania, of all places, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where, uh, evidence was being presented, uh, for voter fraud, and the truth was coming forth. And, uh, Rudy Giuliani and, um, many of, uh, representatives from the state of Pennsylvania were there. Many, uh, workers of the voting pools were there giving testimony of what they, uh, saw or witnessed in voter fraud. And there was a man there, uh, his name is General Mastriano, but he’s now a senator. And he gave a speech about America, and when he gave this speech, I felt the Holy Spirit on this man so powerfully, so strong. 

So this man gave this speech, and it was all about victory in Jesus Christ. It was all about the victory of the kingdom of God and how America was, you know, has this destiny of victory. And when he, when he began to give this speech, I felt like it was Abraham Lincon’s, uh, the anointing of Abraham Lincoln was upon this man, and it was like the speech of Gettysburg all over again, you know the Gettysburg Address. And I, I said, “My goodness, Lord, You, You are bringing this country,” uh, you know, there was a page turned at Gettysburg with Abraham Lincoln. 

Now another page is being turned and this General Mastriano, uh, is, is, is, is coming up. And in, and in Italian — because I’m of Italian descent — the name “Mastriano” means maestro or master, you know, and I’m like, “Okay, something is happening.” And we know Jesus has this master plan. Jesus is our master builder, and He’s using all these men and women of God and how this is all converging, and this man being a great military leader. 

And then I see this Tweet last night, um, it was on George News. I follow George News. And George News, George News was the magazine that, uh, JFK Jr. started, okay? Now, there’s much speculation right now that, uh, JFK Jr. is still alive. I’ve gone to the Lord with that, and I’ve said, “Lord, is JFK Jr. still alive?” Every time I ask Him that question, He says to me, “The sons and daughters of God are arising.” That’s just what He says to me, and so I’ve asked Him two or three times that question, and He’s never really confirmed it to me. 

Do I believe in, in, in my personal … this is just, this is not prophetic, I, this is, I believe personally, do I believe personally that it, there’s very strong evidence that JFK Jr. is still alive? Yes, I do. I believe that he is. Okay? But God has not confirmed that to me. Every time I’ve gone to Him with that question, the Lord has just said, “The sons and daughters of God are arising in this time.” And I said, “Okay, Lord,” you know. But he keeps showing me these clues.

So I’m on George News last night, and I see that, this Tweet, and the Tweet says … after I was watching, uh, General Mastriano, and he was, uh, speaking that powerful speech, and I felt the anointing of Abraham Lincoln, and I felt Jesus Christ, and I felt the Holy Spirit right there in Gettysburg, and I, I, I feel that music coming again of victory, that sound of victory like the battle is over. The victory has been won. The soldiers are coming back from the battle, and it’s this convergence of the sound. 

So it’s these two words coming together — “A Page Has Been Turned” that the Lord gave me two months ago and the “11/11 – God’s Brilliant Plan.” And it’s all converging with this sound, the song, and the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” 

And so this is what the Lord gave me last night. So I see this Tweet, and it says — on George News — “Get ready to hear.” Listen to me. This is all about a sound of victory that God is releasing. We’ve got to open up our spiritual ears, everybody. Get ready. This is what it says on George News. “Get ready to hear POTUS,’’ you know, President of the United States, “all-time favorite hymn played again over the capitol during his inauguration celebrations.”

And I knew what the, what it was. I knew that this is the sound of victory that is converging over the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, that it’s not just a victory for President Trump. It’s a victory for God’s people. It’s a victory for those of us that have been boots on the ground, uh, you know, praying. We have been in Gettysburg. We have been, right, and, and this is our victory sound is happening. Prophetically, in the spirit, it is done. The song is being played.

[Singing] For mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. He is trampling out … Glory, glory hallelujah.

So this is what the Lord is saying. Here’s the prophetic update for today. Okay? I want you to understand something, all right? This word is not JF, about JFK Jr. This word is not about President Trump. This word is not about, um, you know, what’s happening with what the general spoke in Gettysburg.

This word is about all of us opening up our ears to hear the sound of victory, and this is what God wants y’all to know right now. This is my prophetic update, okay? Listen to me. Sons and daughters of God. It’s time for you to open up your spiritual ears and awaken and hear the sound of victory for the battle has been won for the kingdom of God, for the new government of Almighty God to come forth. This is way bigger than President Trump. This is way bigger than JFK Jr. This is way bigger than the general who did the speech or General Flynn and all of them. We, the, we are all just soldiers as, as a part of this huge, brilliant plan that is unfolding for God.

This has to do with the victory of the kingdom of God and the arising of the sons and daughters of God that the earth has been crying out for for centuries. This is what Jesus Christ, this is what Jesus Christ came for, to have the victory. And a page has been turned, and it’s time for us to stop looking at, you know, stop hyper-focusing on all these little things, and God wants us to look at the big picture. He’s releasing a huge sound, and it’s the victory for His people. He’s using all these men and women, but like He said, these men and women, including you, are the sons and daughters that He has prepared for this time to arise. But, my friends, He’s saying open up your spiritual ears and hear the sound of victory. Glory, glory hallelujah; His truth is marching on. 

This is so much bigger than we can imagine. This is a time of the kingdom, the, the earth converging with the kingdom of God. This is so much bigger than, than all these things that we’re seeing. Okay? And so I said, “Lord, You want your sons and daughters to open up their spiritual ears and hear Your sound of victory. Stop microfocusing on Trump’s victory, and start looking at the victory of the kingdom.” He wants us to start looking at the bigger picture in all of this and understand where our part is in, in, is in this victory. It’s bigger than Trump. It’s bigger than all this. It’s, it’s about me and you and the sons and daughters of God arising and hearing the sound of victory. We have to be, be prepared with our ears open tuning in, right, and saying, “Lord, I hear the sound of victory.” 

I just want everybody to just soak this into your spirit. God wants you to hear the sound of victory. It’s like back in the day when the townspeople would be waiting for the soldiers to come home. The families would be waiting for the soldiers to come home from battle, and they would hear the bagpipes in the distance — [Singing] Scotland the Brave. Right. They would hear, “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” in the distance and they would know that their soldiers are returning from war and they have the victory. 

God is saying it’s time for you to perk up your ears, sons and daughters of God, and stop thinking that you are, you are still battling and start proclaiming victory. He wants everyone to start proclaiming victory out of their mouth. He wants everybody to start singing “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah. He wants everyone to see the victory, get their eyes off the battle now and see the victory, sing of the victory. Perk your ears up to the sound of victory that is, that is in the spirit right now, okay? 

This is so important that we all focus on this because it’s, it, like I said, it’s like the townspeople and the families awaiting to hear that sound of the bagpipes returning, of the victory in the battle. [Sound effects] Doo doo da doo da doo doo da doo converging with the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The, the, we, we return from battle. We’ve been victorious. God’s saying it’s a done deal. We’ve won. The victory is here, and it’s way bigger than … Yes, Trump has won the victory, but this is way bigger than Trump. 

This is about the victory of the kingdom of God. This is what Jesus has been waiting for. This is what we have been waiting for — the sons and daughters arising and taking your rightful place, America and all the nations taking … Israel taking their rightful place. This is, this is David’s Tabernacle being restored, and now I know what I saw in the Courts of Heaven that day. I was seeing, uh, remember I saw, it was a primitive structure? I thought it was like a, like a square manger, and it had the ancient book on top of it? Go back and watch that word, “A Page Has Been Turned.” 

You know what that really was? It was David’s Tabernacle. It was his succah. Where did David keep the covenant of God — the Ark of the Covenant? He kept it in this primitive wooden structure, this succah, this wooden-like tent. It looked like a little manger. It was like, and it had like a thatch roof like straw on top of it, and then it had like a fire burning around it for sacrifices. I didn’t know that’s what I was seeing in the Courts of Heaven. 

Now the Lord, see when you get a prophetic word, you have to continue to let the Lord reveal more to you. And, it’s, it, and, and the prophet, Kim Clement, called President Trump, he said, “God says that, that, that this man is my David.” You see, and we are all of the House of David because we are of the House of King Jesus. 

This is, we are living in such glorious times, my friends. I, I, I can’t, I’m trying so hard to explain to you how huge this is. This is the Tabernacle of David being restored. This is, this is the bloodline of King David being restored of the rightful, the rightful kings, the rightful rulers, uh, the sons and daughters of God are rising up, the tribes of Israel being restored, God’s government being restored, God’s perfect government, His apostolic government with the 12 apostles with the, with the 12, uh, tribes of Israel being restored, Israel being fully restored, the defenders of Israel being fully restored, David’s Tabernacle being rebuilt. Everything that God has promised Israel is, is, is going to come to, to pass — all the prophecies converging and coming to pass. 

This is a time of the kingdom. Why do you think the enemy is fighting it so hard? Because it’s ushering in the sons and daughters of God to arise, the Tabernacle of David arising again. I could go into this so much deeper what God has shown me. My mind, I was up til three o’clock in the morning studying on what God, this Tabernacle of David being restored and what it all means. 

My goodness, my mind was, was just trying to absorb all of it with this sound of victory and the page being turned, and what I saw in the Courts of Heaven that night was actually the Tabernacle of David with, with the, the fire around it and, and the book being opened and Jesus standing there and the, the ang, the two angels, and I know now what this all means and why the enemy has been coming against us so hard because it all goes back to Israel. It all goes back to the, to the success and the blessing and the restoration of Israel and, and it’s going to open up the door for thousands of Jews to come to Yeshua Messiah. 

This is, like I said, this is bigger than Trump. This is bigger than JFK Jr. This is bigger than General Mastriano. This is bigger, this, this is, is so huge. This time of victory is so huge, and, and it ties in with the Tabernacle of David being restored. 

My friends, there is so much more to this, but what I’m telling you today is, is that we’ve got to sing of the victory. We, this is the biggest weapon we have against the enemy right now. God wants everybody’s mouths speaking victory, singing “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah.” He wants everybody’s ears perked up to hear the victory. He sa, He’s saying, the Lord says to me, “Stop telling My people,” or He said, “Stop, tell My people to stop speaking defeat. Tell My people to, to stop, you know, speaking words of doubt and worry.” 

He, the Lord is saying the victory’s been won. The music has been queued. Start speaking victory. Its time for the sons and daughters of God to arise. David’s Tabernacle is being rebuilt. A page has been turned, and now it’s, it’s victory time. It’s time for us to take our rightful place for the kingdom. 

My friends, this is so huge. This is so, so huge. And then I have a dream last night after all this. Remember, what this, what this word says, “Get ready to hear the President of the United States’ all-time favorite hymn played over and over again, over the capitol during his inauguration celebrations.

My friends, I want you to play this song over and over again — “Glory, Glory Hallelujah, His truth is marching on.” We have got to have the sound of victory. God wants us to come into agreement with where the page is right now in history. It’s a time of great victory. It’s a time of the sons and daughters of God arising. It’s a time of the Tabernacle of David being rebuilt and restored. 

It is a time, my friends, for us to speak victory, live victory, operate in victory. This is the time of the kingdom. This is the Kingdom Age of Jesus Christ. We have to come into agreement. No, no more worry. No more, no more, you know, fear. It is, it is time for us to sing of the victory. Come on, he that has ears let him hear. Tune your ears [Inaudible]. Do you hear? Do you hear the sound of victory? The troops are returning from the battle, and they are playing the victory song. 

This is what this is all about, my friends. It’s time for us to be in celebration. God’s saying it’s done. The victory has been won. Start singing the victory songs, and so, um, God wants you to expand your thinking, expand your mind and, and know this is bigger than President Trump. It’s victory. He’s part of it, but he, it, it, it, this is kingdom. The Lord is saying, “Think kingdom, Think of what I’m doing for my kingdom.”

Okay, so here’s, here’s the dream I had last night. The Lord said to me, “I’m bringing the finances back to the shores of America.” I was in my car and driving, and I was driving down by the beach. You guys know I live near Virginia Beach. And I was driving down by the beach. 

I looked, and there was all these brand new shiny banking buildings on the shore. They were all brand new. They were big. I knew they were financial banking buildings, and they, I, I was like, “What are all these new financial buildings and these new banking buildings that are built?” There were so many of them I couldn’t hardly see the water. 

It was all these new banks and new finances, and I heard in my spirit, “The Lord has brought the finances back to the shores of America. The Lord has brought all the, the, the wealth and the prosperity back to the shores of America.” And I was like,”Yes!” I was so excited, woo hooo, right? 

And, and then, and then I get back home, and I, and I turn on the news and I see this report for President Trump. And President Trump was doing this report, and he said, he said, “See I told you you would find out. I told you you would see. See, I told you you would see what I was going to do.” And I was like, “Yes, woo hooo!” I was celebrating, and I was like so excited. 

And, um, then, the, the next part of the dream is, you know how like you have a dream, you know, that like episode of your dream ends, and then there’s like another episode? And then I went into this new dream, and in the new dream, um, I was doing like a, a film documentary, and, but I was watching it happen like in real-time. I was part of it, but I wasn’t, like I was sort of watching this documentary hafte, happen, and it was all these cameras and they had, they were documenting these children. 

And the children were wearing these little green vests, like these little green neon vests, and, um, they were, they were drink, bringing the children to a fountain to drink. And they were documenting, they were taking the children very carefully; these children had these little caution vests on, and, and they were very carefully helping the children come to the fountain. And it looked like those fountains, you know, that you have at school, you know, at the school, and they, and they were boosting the children up, and the children were coming to the fountain getting something to drink. And they were documenting bringing the children very carefully, and they were documenting this whole thing and taking pictures and, and bringing the children to the fountains with something to drink. 

And as they were bringing the children to the fountains with something to drink, and, and they were documenting, documenting it, and, um, I felt this excitement in my spirit like, “Oh, look. They’re, they’re bringing the children for something to trin, to drink. The children are thirsty, and they’re, they’re bringing them something to drink, but they doc, they’re documenting their rescue. They’re documenting the rescue of the children, and they’re handling these children very carefully, but they’re documenting every part of it, and, and they’re bringing them to the fountains.” 

And then I knew that was the saving of the children that there’s many, many children that are going to be brought out of trafficking and, and even the children that have been, you know, uh, hurting and, at this time that they’re going to be … there’s something where this is being documented that we’re going to see, uh, documentation of the saving of the children and bringing them to the living waters and giving these children back life, and so that was just a beautiful thing. 

So I saw the, the finances coming back to our shores, uh, and being excited and celebrating, and then I saw, you know, children being very carefully, preciously handled like they were, you know, and then documenting their, their rescue and bringing them to the waters and, and bringing them, you know, to drink and giving them little stools to stand on to make sure, you know, just all very care, being very carefully handled. And, you know, President Trump saying, “See, I told you you would see what I was going to do. I told you wait and see. I told you you would find out.” 

So those were two very big faithful dreams that I had last night to confirm everything that I’m seeing, um, with the nation with the kingdom of God, with the sound of victory that we’re, we’re not seeing a lot of what’s happening that, but we will see it. We, it, it’ll all be, it’s all being documented for us and for us to just stay in faith, continue to sing this victory song. Know that all of this is happening. The children are being saved, and the, they’re coming to the living waters, and it’s all being documented, and the, the finances are coming back to our shores. I saw all these new brand new shiny banks.

And then here’s the great part in this dream. Okay, so then I find myself at the race track, which is not uncommon because I, you know, you guys know I worked in racing for such a long time. You know, I worked in racing. And I find myself at the race track, and you know, um, we used to put on these things at the speedways, and I used to do this a lot too where we would line up these junk cars, you know, like even these old junk busses or whatever. We would line up these old junk cars, and then they would have, you know, the guy and the motorcycle or, you know, the guy with the really fast car, whatever, he would come around on a launch ramp and, and jump over all these junk cars, right? 

And so President Trump was accumulating like these old junk cars, and I’m like, he was in the dream with me at the race track again. These were like episodes. And I was like, “What are you going to do with those junk cars?” I was asking him, I go, I go “Are you lining them up for somebody to jump over them?” He’s, President Trump’s like, “No,” he goes, “We’re going to put them on the ramp, and then we’re going to throw them at the enemy.” He says, “My,” he, this is what President Trump said. He said, “All of, all of the, all of the Americans, all Americans are going to get nice shiny, new cars.” He said, “But those ones who stole from America, we’re going to throw these old cars at them.” Uh, that’s just the way the Holy Spirit speaks to me. So I knew that was the transfer of wealth, and that was like the end of my dream. 

So we’re going to get, those of us, you see, the enemy has to pay back sevenfold what he stole. So this was just all a confirmation. Everything in my dream last night was confirmation that the children are being saved. It’s all being documented, and that the finances are all coming back to our shores and everything like that, new shiny banks. The sound of victory is here. Glory, Glory, Hallelujah — The page has been turned. This is way bigger than President Trump.  This is about the kingdom of God is here, the Tabernacle of David being rebuilt and restored. It’s all about Israel. It’s all about the Jews coming to Messiah and know Messiah. It’s about the Jew and the Gentile coming together, the defenders of Israel.

You see, the enemy always fights really hard when Israel’s about to get a breakthrough, okay, because he knows his time is short, but guess what? The Lord is saying he’s defeated; the enemy is defeated, and all he’s going to get is these junk cars thrown at him. These junk cars thrown at him. I was like, “There you go, Lord. Transference of wealth right there.” 

So I know this is a long word, and this is a prophetic update, and I know we’re here to get prayers today, but I had to release this to you while it was fresh in me, like this, you know, I’ve wrote it all down, and I’ve typed it all up, but I had to release this to you this morning to encourage you and show you everything that God is showing me so that we can all come into agreement and come into alignment and be encouraged. 

I know y’all have been praying for the country, that you’ve been praying for, uh, President Trump, that you’ve been praying for this transference of wealth. You’ve been praying that the enemy is shut down. Some of you are battle weary. You’ve been, you know, you’re worn out from, from the battle, but here’s what I want to tell you. The battle is over. The victory’s been won. It’s, it, the, the victory song has been queued. It’s time to open up our ears and hear the victory music, and, uh, the victory sound. It’s all about this new sound that’s coming on the earth, and God wants His sons and daughters to arise and hear the sound of victory and come into agreement with it and sing it. And He wants us proclaiming victory out of our mouths, and He wants us to say, “Yes, I receive this transference of wealth. Yes, I am excited that the children have been saved. Yes, I’m excited that the kingdom of God is here. Yes, I’m excited of the Tabernacle of David, uh, uh, being rebuilt and, and arising. Yes, I’m excited that, right?

So it’s a time of great joy, a time of celebration, a time of victory. No matter what you see happening in the natural, I want you to keep your focus on the victory because there’s so much happening in the spirit realm right now that is victorious, my friends. Okay?

So I know that I have been called as a prophetic voice to encourage you, to help you understand that this is a time of the kingdom of the glory of God, of the victory of the kingdom, of victory of the people of God, a time where, where, uh, the sons and daughters are arising.

My friends, we are living in amazing times. This is way bigger than President Trump. This is God’s dream coming to pass. This is Jesus’ master plan coming to pass, and you and I are a part of this and our children are a part of this, and the enemy lost. He tried to stop it but no. You know what he’s going to get? Just a bunch of junk cars thrown at him. 

Come on, somebody! I mean, I, I’m just like, I don’t know about you, but I am really excited and I am singing. The Lord said, “Start getting my people singing the victory song.” Our God is so good. Our God is so, so good.

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