Tag: discernment

The Difference Between Discernment And Judgment

The Difference Between Discernment And Judgment

Watch this excerpt of the broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 16, 2023, where Annamarie Strawhand addressed the following question from a viewer and read the notes that follow.

Question: What is the difference between discernment and judgment?



Judgment is when you judge something and bring a verdict on it.

Discernment is when you bring understanding. 

They are two different things but have sometimes been used as the same. 

Discernment is when you have complete and total understanding and clarity of something. 

You go to the Lord for discernment to have complete understanding, clarity, and revelation.

If you have to judge something, a verdict must come and be carried out, so there’s a big difference between the two!

If you’re going to bring judgment on something, you better make sure you have discernment first. 

If you’re looking at someone and saying they ARE something, then you’re judging them. You’ve come to a verdict about them, and you carry our that verdict by saying, “You better ___.”

Discernment is when you say, “Hmm, I’m discerning and getting clarity on what’s going on with that person, and I’m going to pray for them so they don’t suffer judgment from the Lord.”

We are supposed to judge righteously, and that’s why we MUST have good discernment. 

We have to be careful not to falsely accuse people because when you accuse them it means you’re bringing judgment, and God hates false accusations. 

There are sins that God hates — gossip, slanderous mouth, and false accusations — because they are judgments.

Satan means accuser in Hebrew!

You must have good discernment and seek the Lord first, according to Jeremiah 33:3.

Discernment and judgment must go together!

As Christians, if we are going to judge, we are to judge righteously.

So before judging, we ask for discernment on the matter (Jeremiah 33:3) and wait for the Lord to give us clarity and confirmation that something is evil. Then we can judge righteously on the situation and bring our verdict on the situation, but we must do this with the partnership of THE RIGHTEOUS ONE — JESUS CHRIST.

Steps For Righteous Judgment

  1. Pray for discernment, understanding, and clarity
  2. Get confirmation from the Lord of exactly what’s going on
  3. Then you can judge righteously and come to a verdict on something, and then you can say, “Look, this is what’s going on. I want to judge righteously. I don’t want to falsely accuse them. I’m going to pray that they don’t suffer God’s judgment and that they come to their knees in repentance, a free gift for everyone.”
  4. Make sure all of your sins are repented for and covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, lest you be judged
  5. You can also go into the Courts of Heaven and ask for a judgment from God through the blood of Jesus. 

When you ask for a judgment from God in the Courts of Heaven, it will be carried out on your behalf by the authority of Jesus Christ, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and by the angels of the Lord. God gives you a verdict, and He always judges in your favor if you repent and ask for the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus will always give you a judgment verdict from God in your favor!

When you stand in the gap and repent for somebody, ask Father God to move them from the Courtroom of Judgment to the Throne of Grace and Mercy and for the blood of Jesus Christ to speak for them until He brings them to repentance. 

When you do this, you’re asking for a reprieve for that person. You’re interceding for them because you’re a king and a priest. Priests make intercession for others before God through King Jesus. Kings make commands and carry out decrees. 

If you discern that there are bad influences around your family members or others, you can also pray the Ax of God’s Judgment Prayer to remove them. This is a safe way to pray because you aren’t judging. You are discerning that there are influences that do not bear the good fruits of the Holy Spirit, and you are asking God to remove them. You won’t be judged for judging others. God does the judgment! 

Discernment is the most important thing you can have!

Study author Jeanette Strauss for more information about judgment, discernment, and how the Courts of Heaven work — how Heaven works as a legal system with Jeanette’s book, From The Courtroom of Heaven to The Throne of Grace and Mercy, available at. www.gloriouscreations.net



My friends, we are living in times that can be confusing, propaganda from the media is being thrown at us to play on our emotions. But this is when we go to God and become quiet to hear His voice. What is His truth in all this? Discernment is like gold in these days! I look to the prophet Jeremiah. He had sharp discernment, and asked God for more. God loved that Jeremiah came to Him for all understanding, He even said to Jeremiah, ask Me and I will show you the hidden secrets! Be like Jeremiah.

Pray: “Father God I come to you today because there are so many confusing things happening in the world but You know the truth and I want to know the truth too! I’m praying today for discernment the same discernment of your prophet Jeremiah. I’m seeking You God for the truth I want to know the truth see the truth walk in the truth understand the truth and speak the truth!! Father God, You told your prophet Jeremiah in your word according to Jeremiah 33:3 to call onto You Lord God and ask – and You would show him the hidden things the secret things the things he does not know. So today I come to you Father God in faith just like Jeremiah did, asking you to show me the hidden things the secret things the things I do not know! I’m asking you Father God show me the things that even the devil doesn’t want me to know! Show me the hidden secret things that are happening in the world. Show me the hidden and secret things that are happening in my life and in my children! Show me where the enemy is trying to sneak around in my life and in the world! I invite your Holy Spirit to come and partner with me and guide me in all truth! Father God in Jesus name give me revelation, give me wisdom, cover me in your glory God and your divine protection!! I want to see what You see! I am seeking your heart Father!! I want divine understanding! I am made in your image and I want to represent your Truth! Father God thank you for your truth! I’m going to keep asking I’m going to keep seeking you and I’m going keep knocking and I know all these doors will be opened for me because You promised me they would!! Thank you Father God that I can come to you today according to your word and ask for supernatural wisdom and knowledge – and I’m excited and in expectation and open to receive the truth!! I will not fear even if the truth is disturbing I know that you are with me I know man cannot harm me because You Almighty God have your hand upon me!! Father God take the scales off my eyes, lift the veils I ask you to do the same with my loved ones!! Your truth is precious to me Lord I treasure it! I will be a good steward of these secrets and revelations of truth that I will only use them for your Glory God!! I ask for all this today and receive it in Jesus Name Amen!!”

How To Discern A Person of Truth and Honor?

How To Discern A Person of Truth and Honor?

Discerning a Person of Truth, Virtue and Honor for The Lord – “Discernment Alert”…….  (see my prayer for discernment here)
As a Christian and follower of Jesus Christ, In these days of multi-media, so many different voices of influence coming at us, how can we properly discern someone who is a voice of influence and leadership in the Body of Christ that proclaims to be a Christian is the real deal?  How can we use discernment and understanding if that person really is led by the word of God and the Holy Spirit and is speaking truth?


1.) Does the person pray to Father God in the name of Jesus Christ? Do they have a testimony for Christ or are in the process of giving their lives to Jesus?  

2.) Does the person focus more on asking questions than accusing?  Do they forgive those who hurt them, but stand up bravely to bullies/evil ones and call them out with facts in an effort to warn others?  Do they want to see even the evil ones come to repentance and turn to God?

3.) Is the person’s hope in God and Jesus Christ and not man? Do they pray for others? Do they believe that God is all powerful?  Do they put God before country and man? 

4.) Is the person focused on what they can do to encourage others and give hope that God is good?

5.) Is the person focused on their assignment for the Lord and for the love of the people/children more than their own personal gain?

6.) Is there a level of sacrifice for their obedience?  Do they see God as good and merciful?

7.) Do they get attacked regularly by the mainstream media?  Have they had their social media removed for speaking truth?

8.) Do they stay away from rabbit holes and distractions and instead stay grounded in God’s word and truth?

9.) Has what they stood for and spoke up for in the past produced good fruit?  Have they produced tangible good results from what they have said they will do?

10.) Are they quick to correct a mistake and are OK with correction from the Holy Spirit?  Do they have a history that you can easily research and they are open to sharing their past? 

These are the steps I follow – given to me by the Holy Spirit and He never steers us wrong!
I am also a person who holds people accountable to what they say they will do and I also give grace if they come up against adversity when they are trying to do those things – we know we must extend grace – but also pray for them that they can complete what they intend and are called to do for the Lord and the Kingdom of God and ask for their protection and favor from the Lord.
Many times that person will have to step away from being the “influencer or leader” for a season to allow the Lord to grow them or do a specific assignment – the key here is are they focused on obedience to God in their lives?  I have to be understanding if that person needs time away and not look at it as abandonment but instead look at them as an example that even someone who is a leader is taking time to grow more in the Lord.  They should always be growing too. I see that as humility to God.  I feel if they are a person of truth they will always be transparent with those they are leading and influencing with their own walk with the Lord.
It is so imperative that we pray daily for discernment on what people we should follow and listen to – God’s chosen leaders and influencers.  However seek first the Kingdom, Father, Son, Holy Spirit to be your first and most important voice in your life.  I will tell you one of my favorite ways to pray for truth and understanding is to call unto the Lord to show me the hidden things – according to Jeremiah 33:3.  I call that God’s phone number!  When I pray that scripture and ask the Father to show me the hidden truths, the secret things around a person, I even say show me what the enemy does not want me to see in  Jesus name!  I have always had amazing and quick revelation from the Holy Spirit on these hidden things and He will immediately prompt me to either move on from that influence if He shows me bad or if He shows me good I can know that person is someone I want to continue to follow, connect, support and learn from.
Much Love, Coach Annamarie

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