Prophetic Insight – Why Did They Take Enoch Out Of The King James Bible?

Prophetic Insight – Why Did They Take Enoch Out Of The King James Bible?

This is a transcription of an excerpt of the broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on February 20, 2023, where Annamarie Strawhand addressed the following question from a viewer:

Question: Have the cabal reset civilization many times in history? Saw many pictures and videos of the late 1800s and early 1900s showing advanced technology, giant people, giant bones, and then mud floods. What are your thoughts?”

Watch the video below, and then read the transcript and notes that follow.


Annamarie: “Annamarie, have the cabal reset civilization many times in history? Saw many pictures and videos of late 1800s, early 1900s showing advanced technology, giant people, giant bones, and mud floods. What are your thoughts?” 

It’s bull crap! What does the Bible say? What does the Bible say? Come on. Be careful what you’re watching. They can’t reset crap. They can try to delay the kingdom. They can try to delay things by bringing deception, by trying to bring diseases, by trying to bring sin, by trying to bring a fake, fear narrative, but what does Jesus say? What does the Bible say?

Now all those giants and all that stuff was wiped out in the flood of Noah — done, over! Do you believe the Bible, Jo, or do you believe the propaganda that they put on the Discovery Channel — Ancient Aliens?! Ancient Aliens, that’s propaganda! Don’t get your information from those places. They can, they can photoshop stuff. They can photoshop video. They can do all kinds of things. 

You know what your eyes need to look on? The moves of the Holy Spirit through the generations, um-hm, because the greatest move of the Holy Spirit of all the generations is happening right now. And this cabal or whatever and their stupid reset is helpless against it. They can’t stop it. They can try to delay it with a false narrative, with propaganda. 

What did I tell you about unbelief?! The enemy uses that against us, and he, he, he, he throws in, he peppers in little lies and fake photos and fake pictures and puts shows on Discovery — ancient, ancient. It’s propaganda! Open up your Bible and read. 

Why did they take the Book of Enoch out of the Bible? People think, they say, “Oh, it’s about the giants and the fallen angels.” Why didn’t the Church want us to know about the giants and the fallen angels?” Is it because they still have power? NO! It’s because Enoch had such a close relationship with God. 

Enoch walked with God so closely that God showed him everything. Enoch and God were such best friends, Enoch and God had what God wanted with Adam. Enoch and God had such a close relationship that God showed him everything that He was doing and that He wanted to do, and their relationship was so close Enoch got all his answers directly from God. God brought him up in the spirit and showed him things. God loved Enoch so much and Enoch loved God so much that God didn’t want Enoch to suffer death. He brought him up to Heaven alive. That’s what good friends they were. 

The Church, the Catholic church particularly — this is not against Catholics. I’m talking about the leadership — did not want to … 

The Book of Enoch was in the original King James version. If you go and get an original King James version of the Bible, the Book of Enoch is in there teaching you how to walk with God, teaching you how to go to God and He will show you all these things in the supernatural and give you truth. 

But the, the leaders of the Catholic church didn’t want the people to know how to have a direct relationship with God. Why? What were they afraid of? If we have a direct relationship with God, and we can talk with God and walk with God and see things in the supernatural, then number one, they lose control of us. They lose religious control. And number two, we’ll be, we’ll be walking in signs, wonders, and miracles, which means we’ll be actually doing the things of Jesus. We’re going to have understanding of the heavens and the earth. The kingdom of God is coming to earth just what, like Enoch saw, and we’re going to have that relationship with God like Jesus had. 

This is what’s coming, and this is why the devil is freaking out, and he’s trying to bring deception. He’s trying to bring fake UFOs. He’s trying to make us think that the giants are going to come back and, and, and — NO, they’re gone! What are they so afraid of? Why are they trying to bri, why are they saying “the great reset?” They can’t reset crap! It’s already been ordained in the Bible! 

The kingdom of God is coming, and nothing’s going to stop it, and the people of God are finally awakening like Enoch! We’re finally able to see in the spirit again. The veils are lifting. We’re in the apocalypse. What does the apocalypse mean? It’s a Greek word that means “unveiling.” 

We’re going to walk with God like Enoch did. We’re going to walk with God like Jesus did. We’re going to have angelic encounters. We’re going to actually be able to time travel like Elisha and Elijah, like Jesus. Jesus disappeared and went from one spot to another. 

It’s over for the demonic! You see, the great awakening is here. Why? So we finally awaken to our true authority in Christ in the earth. We finally awaken to what’s going on in the heavenlies. We finally awaken to what our true authority is in Jesus Christ. 

The devil is counting on the fact that we believe these lies and propaganda. He’s counting on the fact that he can bring a lying, twisting deception and keep us deceived. So why? So we won’t walk in our true authority with Jesus Christ, so we won’t walk like Enoch walked. Jesus said, before He ascended into Heaven, He said, “Father God, My prayer for them is that they will have what You and I had.” We’re going to walk signs, wonders, and mir … Jesus said we’ll be doing greater things than Him. It’s here! The kingdom of God is coming, and it’s within us!

So when you know your authority in Christ, when you know that it’s time for you to walk in these signs, wonders, and miracles, when you know when it’s time that you are going to actually walk and talk directly with God like Enoch and you will start to have this hidden understanding that comes from God, we don’t seek man for it. We don’t watch Hidden Civilizations on the Discovery Channel, which is propaganda. We go directly to the Holy Ghost. We go directly to God. Jeremiah 33:3, “‘Call unto me, says the Lord, ‘I will show you the hidden things, the secret thing, the thing you do not know.’”

These cabal people, they have nothing. It’s over for them. All they’ve done is try to recycle deception generation after generation after generation. And they keep failing because every time they try to recycle that deception, every time they try to bring what? Their evil. What happens? More people get saved. More people come to God. More people get the Holy Ghost. More revival comes. 

But now we have the awakening happening. We’re coming into the Kingdom Age, so they can’t recycle this crap anymore because people are hearing from God greater than they ever have before. People are hungry for the presence of God. Understand? 

Deception brings control. See? Deception brings control. They can keep saying they’re going to do their reset. You know what? They only thing that’s going to get reset is them, and that’s a straight path to hell. It’s done for them. It’s toast. I just read you Revelation, uh, Chapter 2, verse 12-17. It tells you what’s going to happen to them. They can’t stop it. 

So keep your eyes on God. Keep your eyes on the word of God. Keep seeking relationship, and He will show you the hidden things, the secret things, the things you do not know. He will show you what is lies and what is true. All that stuff is fake. Don’t put any clout in it. Seek first the kingdom of God.


Don’t be deceived by watching supernatural shows on TV. Read what the Bible says, and let God show you supernatural truths! Enoch walked with God, and thats what we all must desire. God showed his secrets to Enoch like you would a best friend. 

Regarding Giants: God wiped out the fallen angels and their offspring in the flood of Noah. Any giants after that were not offspring of fallen angels (Nephilim). Second Peter 2:5 states that all of the ungodly were wiped out in Noah’s flood. Genesis 7, in multiple verses, confirms that indeed all of humanity and all soulish creatures associated with humanity, except for those on board the ark, were killed. Thus, the Nephilim did not survive the flood catastrophe.

Goliath was not of a “race of giants.” He and his brothers were very unusually large men. However, all the people in Gath, where Goliath was from, were not giants. We have had extraordinarily large men that have been recruited for sports or armies as their “champion” through the years. We know that Joshua and King David wiped out any giant-sized men in those armies with God. 

Even in early America there was a man known as a giant called Peter Francisico who fought in the Revolutionary War. There have been “giant men” throughout history but never another “race of giants” or sons of fallen angels.

Regarding UFOs: “UFO” evidence? We have been lied to for years. It’s military craft. The only “beings” are fallen angels and demons. What is left of the deep state (and it is not much because their money and resources are running dry, and many have already been arrested and removed) is grasping at last minute desperate fake, false flags to deceive us and keep us controlled by fear, lies and propaganda. Stay suited up and discern. Our REDEEMER lives, and His name is Jesus Christ!

Regarding Enoch: Understand, the Book of Enoch must be read with understanding from a close relationship with God because that is what Enoch is teaching us. Be careful because it does touch upon the fallen angels and goes deep into the supernatural, and many New Agers have taken it and misinterpreted it. 

Only Jesus holds the keys. Its all about Jesus. Do not read the Book of Enoch without that strong understanding of the authority and personal relationship of Jesus Christ in your heart. Spiritual knowledge without relationship is very, very dangerous.

We all want to know “what is being hidden” from us. However, when you have a personal relationship with Father God through His Son, Jesus Christ, and seek the Holy Spirit, He shows you all the hidden things. That is exactly what happened to Enoch. His relationship with God was so close that God showed him everything. He did not even allow Enoch to suffer death because they were such close friends. God took Enoch up to Heaven.

Hebrews 11:5 – “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.”

The reason they took the Book of Enoch out of the original King James Bible is because the Catholic church was afraid of the people having a close personal relationship with God, and they would not be able to keep their control over the people. Religous control always comes against relationship. Enoch is all about a close personal relationship with God. If you only read Enoch to learn about fallen angels and giants, you will miss the whole thing.

The Book of Enoch was originally included in the King James Bible. You can get an original King James Bible that includes the Book of Enoch and the original Apocrypha books, or get a separate book that has that original text from the King James Bible. Many people have tried to make “new books” of Enoch, but be careful that it is only the text from the bible itself.  

Regarding the Apocrypha: The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities, such as the Catholic church.

Many claim the apocrypha should never have been included in the first place, raising doubt about its validity and believing it was not God-inspired (for instance, a reference about magic seems inconsistent with the rest of the Bible: Tobit chapter 6, verses 5-8). Others believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed- that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2,000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn’t removed by the church, but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible: Revelation 22:18. The word ‘apocrypha’ means ‘hidden.’ Fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts of the apocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit [source].

Keep this in mind when reading the following apocryphal books. Martin Luther said, “Apocrypha–that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read.” (King James Version Defended page 98.) Note: See link below in resources section to read these books online.

Purpose of This Teaching: This teaching was to help you understand that the reason the Catholic church removed Enoch from the Bible was because of the close relationship that Enoch had directly with God. Religious leaders always want control over the people. They did that to Jesus who was teaching us to have a personal relationship with the Father. They feared us having that knowledge and understanding.

The focus of this ministry is always to point to Jesus Christ — King of kings — His power and authority, and the love of God for us. Our eyes should never be on the “giants” but instead on the mighty power of God and the authority and victory of Jesus Christ that is with us and works through us.

My focus on this teaching was not on “giants” or “fallen angels.” My focus on this teaching is that Enoch got to know all the secrets of God because of his very close personal relationship with God. This video was to teach you that to know the deepest secrets and the hidden things of God’s plans and purposes, its all about RELATIONSHIP. Understand that spiritual knowledge without relationship with Father is dangerous.

For those of you who think God did not wipe out all the offspring of the fallen angels in the flood of Noah, ask yourself this question: When Jesus healed someone, did He leave just part of the leprosy, or was that person completely healed? Do you trust that when God cleans house He does a complete and thorough job? Come on!

The main thing is the main thing, my friends. It’s always about a close personal relationship with Father God — to fully trust in Him, walk closely with Him, and seek His Heart.


We have to be careful because New Agers grab this and manipulate it. The safest place without a bunch of New Age additives is to read the Book of Enoch directly from an original version of the King James Bible. SEARCH “buy original King James Bible with the Book of Enoch and The Apocrypha” to find them used or reprints. Below are links to some online resources and a hard copy you can purchase for yourself.

Article source with links to read the apocryphal books: 

Biblical mentions of Enoch: 

Audio of the Book of Enoch that seems to line up with the King James Version: 

Holy Bible : King James Version with the Apocrypha, the Book of Enoch and the Assumption of Moses (Paperback) 

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