Tag: pray over groceries



Transcription of the Bible teaching and prayers by Annamarie Strawhand from her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on April 11, 2022. 

Watch the video HERE, and then read the transcript below.  

ANNAMARIE: Where are we right now in this moment? We’re at Nisan 10 and Nisan 11. We are in the moment when Jesus walked into the temple after coming in on a donkey, and He inspected the temple. 

We are the temple now — our bodies, right. We invite the Lord Jesus Christ into our heart. Our spirit man is renewed, right — Christ who lives within us. Then the sanctification process just begins. When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the sanctification process just starts, and it’s time to start cleaning out the temple, folks. 

What’s in your temple that’s defiling it? You need to only, you can only do that with the help of the Holy Spirit. So after you ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior and come into your heart, and your spirit man is renewed, and the sanctification process needs to start as we grow in the Lord, we have to then invite the Holy Spirit in — the presence of the Lord. 

And if you, if you’re not sure if you have invited Jesus Christ into your heart, and if you’re not sure that you have invited the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within you, then you need to go to my website, annamariestrawhand.com. Go to my Salvation prayers, and do it again because we go all the way. Not only do we, right, and recommit your life to Christ today, and pray that prayer again. Invite the Lord Jesus Christ in you, and invite the Holy Spirit in you. 

And then you can really start the clean-up. And you can say, “Holy Spirit,” and just know by faith he’s there, and you will begin to hear Him. You will begin to get stirrings in your spirit. He will begin to point out things to you that’s junk in your trunk. He’ll begin to say to you, “Uh, uh, listen, sister, there’s some stuff that’s defiling your temple that’s going in your eye-gate. Yeah, you know those horror movies you’ve been watching? Time to stop doing them. They’re going in your eye-gate. They’re defiling your temple.” Come on. “Hey, you know that rap music you’ve been listening to with bad language or rap music you’ve been listening to on a unholy, ungodly frequency coming in your ear-gates? That’s defiling your temple. Need to clean that stuff out. You know that junk food filled with chemicals that you’ve been putting in your mouth-gate? That’s defiling your temple. Better stop doing that stuff.” Come on. 

You see, when you start realizing that within you is the Holy of Holies, the place where Jesus dwells, the place where the presence of the Lord dwells within you, Christ who lives within you, the Holy Spirit who dwells within you, you are a walking temple of the Lord, and you do not want defilement in there. And it’s time to clean up. Jesus is in there overturning the temples, overturning the tables in you. He’s going, “Get this stuff up out of you right now. Come on, no more of that stuff. No more of that stuff coming in your gates.”

Are you eating foods that you don’t pray over that was offered up, up to idols? Hmm? That’s why you got to pray over everything before it goes in your mouth-gate. Paul made very clear of that, especially when he was in, you know, the, the Greek countries and the lower Asian, upper Asian and lower Asian countries and setting up churches because they were still eating foods and bringing foods into the churches that had been dedicated to idols and eating it. And he kept telling them, “You’re defiling your temple,” and they were like, “Whaaat?”

You know, are there, are there stores that you buy food from that are run by Muslims? Right? They offer up their meats and everything to Allah, and Allah, Allah is … they don’t worship, right, they don’t worship the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you see. They believe Jesus is, was just a, a, like a prophet. 

So those, right, those foods need to be prayed over, but we can eat whatever we want. It’s not like we, we can’t eat pork or we can’t eat, you know, shrimp, right. We can still eat those things because God told Peter, “Kill and eat, Peter,” but He said, “Whatever I’ve made clean is clean.” What does that mean? Pray over your food before you, right, pray over your food and dedicate it to God and ask Jesus to wash, right …

So say I’ve got this cup of coffee here. I got this cup of coffee and I say, “Father, in the name of Jesus, I dedicate and consecrate this cup of coffee to you. I ask you to bless it, and I bless it in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, cleanse this coffee with your blood and sanctify it, in Jesus’ name.” And then I drink it. 

I dedicate my food to God. I ask Jesus to cleanse it with His blood, and I bless it, and [Inaudible] bless it [Inaudible], right. That means it’s changed realms, right. The tables have been flipped on your food before it’s put into your mouth-gate. It has changed realms. Amen? 

I love to buy kosher foods because I know they’ve been dedicated to the Lord God of Israel — God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — but because God told Peter as a disciple — and I’m a disciple of the Lord, and I might have to travel places, or I might have to go into places where food is not kosher, right. I know by what God instructed Peter to kill and eat.” What I have made clean is clean.” Just pray over your food. Rededicate it to God. Just dedicate anything that goes into your gates to God. I don’t care if you’re using, um, eye drops, makeup, anything that goes on your temple, just lift it up to God; dedicate it to Him, and ask Him to bless it. Right. 

And this is what I do; I make it easy, right. Say you got a whole, the whole car full of groceries. You got a whole car full of groceries, and this is what I do. I pull into the driveway with my groceries. I say, “Father God, thank you for these groceries today. I dedicate and consecrate all of the groceries in this car to you, Father God. I ask you to bless them. I wash all these groceries and even the containers that they’re in in the blood of Jesus. Let everything that goes into my home be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ right now and blessed by you, God.”

I just do it all at once with my groceries, so that when my groceries come in the house they’ve all been dedicated to God even before they hit the refrigerator and the cabinets.

Ha! Molly says she’s grocery shopping now. So, Molly, right, you can get, get your groceries in the car, right. Pull in your driveway with the groceries, and say this prayer. Say, “Father God, I thank you for all these groceries. I thank you for your provision. I dedicate and consecrate all of these groceries to you, Father God, and I ask you to bless them, Father God. And I place all these groceries in the blood of Jesus. Let them be cleansed by the blood of Jesus, that everything that goes into my home is washed in the blood of Jesus and sanctified, and I call these groceries blessed, in Jesus’ name.”

You know, and you can even do that as part of your suit up every morning. Say you’re getting stuff that comes in … say you some, say you order something online, maybe you order foods online, maybe you do online shopping, all right, and here comes the UPS truck or the FedEx truck, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep backing up to your driveway, dropping stuff off, right. 

So just say in the morning, “Anything that comes into my home, any delivery that comes into my home, I dedicate to you, Father God, and I ask you, Jesus, to wash it in your blood. So anything coming in my home today, I dedicate to Almighty God. Let it be washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.” 

Now that’s your mail coming in from the mailbox, deliveries, you know. Maybe somebody’s coming into your house to do some service or something. You know, work on your heat or your air conditioning or your plumbing or whatever. Just say, “Let everything that comes into this home today,” right, “be dedicated to Almighty God and washed in the blood of Jesus.” 

You know, you don’t want to get like obsessive-compulsive about it like, [Sound affects], you know. Just do it as part of your, your, your daily routine, like your suit up, right. You know, don’t start going through your cabinets and freaking out and be, I mean, you know, this is when, you know, your husband and kids start going, “Wait a minute. She’s gone a little bit off her rocker.” 

No, just stand in the middle of the house, really simple. Say, “Father, in the name of Jesus, I dedicate all the possessions in this house right now — all the supplies, all the possessions in this home right now to you. You know where everything is God.” 

I’m not telling you to go into your bathroom and take everything out of the cabinets and every stick of lipstick and every shampoo, and be like [Sound effect]. Calm down. Right. Just say, “Father, in the name of Jesus, I, I dedicate every, all my possessions in this home, everything in this home, all of our supplies to you, Father God. I ask you to bless everything in this home. I ask you to wash all the possessions that are in this home right now, right down to the tubes of lipstick, right down to the Q-tips, right down to the dog food, wash it all in your blood. Cleanse it. Sanctify it. Make it holy, and I bless it too, in Jesus’ name.” 

And you’re done. You’re done. You’re done. Okay? Because your home is, is like a temple too, right? Anywhere where there’s gateways, and that’s why I taught you all with Jeanette Strauss how to anoint your home. Right, when you anoint the doors and windows, right, as it passes through, it’s changing realms. It’s changing in, coming into a place that’s dedicated to God. You know, and just make it simple. Just make it, you know, just do it something calm. 

Mike, Mike knows when we come home from our grocery shopping, you know, right before he’s ready to jump out of the car, I say that quick prayer over the groceries. Done. 

And so, you know, just be, just be reverent of what comes into your gateways, whether it be your home gateway, whether it be your body gateway, right, because Jesus is doing an inspection right now. We’re in a time and a season where Jesus is looking around, and he’s saying, “You don’t need that anymore, and I’m going to flip the tables and throw it out of here. It’s defiling your temple.”