Tag: #Jeremiah1:11-12

Acceleration Decree According To Jeremiah 1:11-12

Acceleration Decree According To Jeremiah 1:11-12

Father God is faithful to His Word, and all of our prayers confirm with scripture. Many of them include declarations of scripture. The greatest form of praise you can give Father God is thanking Him in advance for your answered prayer and speaking His Words of promise back to Him. Angels of the Lord harken to the word of God and are activated when you speak the Word of God to be sent on assignments on your behalf. So speak the scriptures with the prayers. We must SEE IT by faith, SPEAK IT  by faith, and humbly remind our Father God of His word of promise to perform what we see and speak according to Jeremiah 1:11. 

Here is your first declaration – speak this right now:

  • “Heavenly Father, Your word says in Jeremiah 1:11-12 that You are asking me to see by faith, and that when I speak what I SEE, you will perform it quickly. So I see now by faith ______________. I believe, Father, that You are faithful to your word. That You will now hasten this, accelerate this to me in the natural even right now. You say, Father, in Jeremiah 1:11-12, that you are waiting on Your word to perform it, and I am in faithful expectation to see this word come to pass quickly for your glory, in Jesus’ name! Thank You, Father, for the promises in Your word. I stand on this today! Amen.”

When you pray and believe in FAITH – God is not delaying things – He’s arranging things!  You keep praying and you will see VICTORY! God is waiting for us to step up in faith so He can bring it all together for us! This is how He shows His glory in our lives.