Tag: God’s frequencies

Prophetic Word: Power Grid! New DC Fence! New Energy! New Sound! Healing Coming!

Prophetic Word: Power Grid! New DC Fence! New Energy! New Sound! Healing Coming!

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on February 9, 2022.

Below, I’ve posted the notes that I took as the Holy Spirit was downloading this word to me. I want people to see my original notes because there are some negative comments about Elon Musk, and that was not the word. I was just wondering what God meant by Tesla—if it’s the scientist from the 1900’s or Elon Musk’s Company. There will be some things God will still unpack for us on this. These original notes back up what the Holy Spirit said, and my commentary in the video was QUESTIONING if it was Elon or not.
























WHCA, 2017 Joint Force Edition | The White House Communications Agency aims to build and maintain a world class organization poised to deliver Presidential quality communications services, ensuring the President has the ability to communicate anytime, by any means, anywhere in the world.

WHCA: The Voice of the President. The White House Communications Agency LINK: https://www.whitehousecommsagency.mil/

Watch the video, and then read the transcript below.


ANNAMARIE: Then he said, “Watch, this new sound, this new energy is a healing frequency.” He said, “I’m shutting down the demonic frequencies,” and, instead, his frequency is coming forth—a new sound. A divine sound. A sound of Heaven. A sound of the Lord. A healing sound. 

All right, my friends, um, I have a prophetic word for you today, on Wednesday, February 9, 2022. The Lord gave me a very, very interesting and powerful word, uh, over the, the last couple of days, and it’s, it’s like, wow. Uh, now, I have it all written down, and I’m going to read this word to you, uh, as the Holy Spirit gave it to me. Okay? So I ask you all to just, uh, please, uh, be, be respectful and, uh, just, just listen to the word of the Lord here. All right, and let me read this to you as the Holy Spirit gave it to me, as the Spirit of the Lord gave it to me. 

Word from the Holy Spirit the morning of February 4, 2022: and it began to, it started on February 4th, and then he kept giving me more. He said, “A new sound. A new sound. A new energy. The lights go out in Georgia and come back on, not just meaning the state of Georgia. Also meaning George, connected to Washington, D.C., George Washington. This is connected to Washington, D.C., and other states. The lights go out and come back on. The power grid redone for the good.” 

He says, the Spirit of the Lord says a new sound, a new energy is coming, and it’s coming swiftly. The lights go out in Georgia. We had a word that the lights are going to go out in Georgia and come back on, and we had that word several months ago. But now he’s saying to me it’s more than Georgia. The lights go out in Georgia, meaning George Washington, Washington, D.C., right? A, a, at the, at the, uh, root of our government, the lights go out and come back on. The power grid redone for the good. 

And you know what he showed me? He showed me that prophetic dream that I had about the waffles. I had a prophetic dream several weeks ago, and in that dream, John F, John Kennedy Jr. was in that dream, and he was sitting at a table eating waffles. And he told me to get honey and pour the honey on his waffles. And I remember he held up his waffles, and then he told me to pour the honey on his waffles, and he said he had his dessert fork. He was waiting for the sweet, and the Lord said to me, “Annamarie, did you not notice the shape of the waffles? They are a grid.” I’m like, “Oh, my gosh, yes, Lord, waffles are shaped like a grid.” 

And he said to me—this is the word of the Lord—he said, “There’s a new energy coming, a new sound. The lights go out and come back on. The power grid.” He said, “Look at the dream that you had about the waffles. It’s a grid.” He said, “I am pouring the sweetness, the honey, on your power grid.” I was like, “Whoa! Okay.” Then he said, “Watch! This new sound, this new energy is a healing frequency.” He said, “I’m shutting down the demonic frequencies,” and, instead, his frequency is coming forth—a new sound. A divine sound. A sound of Heaven. A sound of the Lord. A healing sound. 

And he said, “Watch! President Trump,” he said these three things, “Trump, Tesla, Space Force. Trump, Tesla, Space Force.” I said, “President Trump, Tesla,” and I’m like, “Is Tesla the scientist that, uh, you know, in, uh, in the early 1900’s?” We know that President Trump’s uncle, John Trump, worked for Tesla. Had all of Tesla’s papers. Tesla was a brilliant sci, scientist. Tesla was trying to bring a new energy, but all of the elite greedy, uh, people, uh, you know, shut him down because they wanted to, you know, enslave the people with their energy. But I don’t, I don’t know if this is the Tesla of, of history. I, I’m eve, I’m even seeing that it could be, uh, Elon, yeah, and Space Force.

So he was showing me Space Force. He was showing me rockets going up in space. He was showing me that Trump … He just said these three words, “Watch Trump. Watch Tesla. Watch Space Force.” And he says, “Watch!” He says, “The angels of the Lord will be attracted to this new energy, to this new healing frequency that is going, the, the old is going to be shut down, and the new is going to be turned on.” This new grid, he’s saying it’ll be like honey, and he gave me this scripture, and a prophetic word should always confirm in the scripture. He gave me the scripture that it’ll be healing like honey. Healing, he said, healing to our bones, to our very bones, to the very marrow, to the very cells of our bones. There’s a scripture on that.

And he said, “Watch, my angels will be attracted to this.” He says, “People will be able to see them. There will be more angelic encounters. There will be more people being actually to see the angels around them and in the atmosphere.” He says, “Demons will scatter! They will be repelled like bugs!” He showed me scattering demons when this new energy is turned back on. This turn on, this new sound, this new, he’s calling it a new grid. It’ll be like honey to our bones, but, and it’ll attract the angelic, but the demons will not be able to stand it. They will be running away screaming, literally.

And he said the elite and the evil ones know of this new power grid, and they are trying to stop it ahead of time. He says they will try to do false things in the sky and false, uh, uh, things that you will see, uh, that will make you think that, uh, there, there’s other supernatural things happening in the sky. He said, but, no. He said use discernment. He said this is a new energy. He said this is a new sound, and it, it’s going to be on the power grid, and the elite evil, the evil wicked ones are, are, are terrified, terrified. 

And they’re going to try, they’re trying to get ahead of it, keeping their evil frequencies, and they’re going to try to do these false things that, uh, you know, you’re going to be like, “Oh, what’s that? What’s that in the sky? What’s that? Is there something? Oh, what is that?” But, you know, the Lord is saying, “Use discernment. Ask my Holy Spirit everything you see.”

Now, he said watch, when this is activated it will be activated by Trump and Space Force. A huge healing shift will come upon the people. A brand new mindset, a healing mindset, a renewing of our minds that it is spoken about in the Bible. 

Now, this is like not New Age stuff. This is, this is actually biblical. This is part of the Great Awakening that’s coming. This is something that, that, uh, the Lord has wanted for us for, for centuries, and, um, the, the evil people have tried to hold it back for years and years and years, you know, and even, even, you know, the Nazis trying to get everybody to tune their instruments, uh, you know, to, to demonic frequencies and things like that. 

And the Lord reminded me, he said, “Annamarie, remember when I showed you about the water?” I said, “Yes, Lord, you showed me this interesting thing about the water.” And he said, “Watch the water.” I said, “Okay, Lord, I will watch the water.” And he brought me back to a post that I, I put up several years ago on my Instagram. 

He said, “Remember when I showed you about the words when you speak over the water, how it changes the, um, the molecular structure of the water?” He said, right, I said, “Well, yes, Lord, our bodies are mostly water.” He said, “When this new grid happens, when this new sound, when this new energy happens, it’s going to happen suddenly,” he said. And the water, anywhere where there’s water in the earth, uh, in our bodies, in the atmosphere, in our pets, you know, anywhere where there is water, it will, it will begin to change the molecular structure. 

Um, you know, and, um, he, he reminded me of this, and it goes right back to that scripture that I have about the healing words are like honey, right. We have to confirm everything in the word of God. And God gave me, uh, this, this reminder about the water droplets, you know. And I, and I shared this on my Telegram with you all, and it, it’s definitely a big part of this word. And you can see it; the, the messed up molecule that’s all like junky looking, um, that’s before prayer, on the top. And then after prayer, the water molecule, the water droplet turns into this beautiful, gorgeous design. Okay? And then it also shows, um, the, when you say thank you over the water or bless the water, it turns into this beautiful, gorgeous design. But when you say something hateful, uh, over it, it, it goes beserko. The water goes like beserko, you know, and you can see this, you know, and this is scientifically proven. 

And, you know, I remember the, these kids doing these, this little experiment. I saw a video of it where they, they took this plant, and they took this plant and, and they had took two plants and one of the plants, they spoke nice words over, words of blessing, I love you. And the other plant, they spo, spoke hateful bullying words over it, and the, the plant that had the good words spoken over it thrived, and, and the, the plant that, that didn’t, that had the hateful words, you know, shriveled up, and so, right, plants are, are, are, are water.

So, again, with this word, you know, this is, this is, this is the good, good science. This is the way God meant it, and it is, it is according to scripture. Our words are like honey, right, and, okay, so continuing on with the word of the Lord. The Lord says to me that the elite, the evil ones will try to get ahead of this with fake UFO, fake things in the sky. He said, “No.” He says to me again, there’s no such thing as UFOs. There’s only demons. Right? The demons and the fallen angels that are in the second heaven, and his angels are fighting them right now. He says that’s why we need to continue to pray. Okay?

He says when this is activated by Trump and Space Force, a huge healing shift will come—new mindset healing. And then he said, “Look!” He said, “Look at the White House fence.” He said, “Trump is the tip of the spear like Joshua.” 

And, if you read the book of Joshua, (and I’ve done a teaching on Joshua), how did Joshua bring down the city of AI? He brought down the city of AI by holding his spear on his shoulder and pointing his spear to the city. Uh, the Lord said to Joshua, “Joshua, go up to the high place. Take your spear—your javelin—hold it on your shoulder and point it at AI.” And the Lord said to me AI, in this time, is artificial intelligence. That the, the enemy is using it for evil, and he says, “Watch! Trump is the tip of the spear.” He’s holding it up like Joshua, and he’s put up a new fence at the White House, and it looks like spears. 

In other words, the old fencing at the White House was very, uh,  Freemason looking. Uh, it had a, like a Shriners design on the top of it. And make no mistake, the Shriners are Freemasons and the Freemasons are Shriners, and they’re both evil! Okay? Look it up! And when the first White House fence went up years ago, uh, there was, there was a, a president who was a Shriner that was in the White House, and he had that Shriner design, that half moon with the, put on the White House fence. If you go look at old pictures of the White House fence, you’ll see that. But President Trump had all that taken down, and he had all new fence put up, and it looks like spears. Tru, the Lord says to me Trump is the tip of the spear. He’s holding the spear on his shoulder like Joshua. He’s got it pointed at AI, and AI is coming down—artificial intelligence. He says, “Watch! The White House fence,” he says, “is a tuning fork!” It can be turned on and off, and it will, uh, release a frequency over Washington, D.C, a healing frequency.

So that new fence is more than just a fence. There’s something connected to it that’s going to turn it on and, and release the sound, release this energy. The Lord says it’s the tip of the spear. It’s connected to Joshua. And it’s, it’s going to, it’s going to, A, artificial intelligence is coming down. They’re, they’re done. They’re done. They’re done.

Okay, so when he said, the, the Spirit of the Lord said White House fence is a tuning fork. It can be turned on and off. He says, and the border fence in Mexico, between Mexico and America, the beautiful fence, when President Trump says, “I will build a big, beautiful wall, and I will have big, beautiful gates,” he said what those are, he says those are gates of frequencies. The big, beautiful wall is a beautiful sound that’s going to come from them. He says the beautiful gates are going to be the beautiful ga, sound from the gates that come from them. He says watch. He says the, the, the wall that President Trump built at the border between Mexico and America is also a big tuning fork, and it can be turned on and off to bring this energy, to bring this sound. 

He said, “Remember when I gave you the word about the dessert fork?” I said, “Oh, my goodness, Lord.” Remember the word where the Lord said to me, “Annamarie, get out your dessert fork.” I only got one dessert fork for a wedding present, but I hung onto it. I didn’t know why. You can go back to that word. The Lord said, “Hold up your dessert fork because the sweet is coming.” I had no idea what he meant by that. Tuning, they’re tuning forks. What do tuning forks do, right? They, they can be put into a base and a vibration can be put on them, and they can put out a, uh, a healing frequency. 

God is, he, uh, God spoke the word into existence. Right? Who is the word? Jesus Christ. He, right, he spoke the word. It, it’s the frequency of God’s voice that’s holding the world together. And the enemy has been trying to come against that frequency, but, no, he can’t. And this is the Great Awakening—the Kingdom Age. We’re starting to come into understanding of the things of the kingdom—on earth as it is in Heaven. It’s where the kingdom of God is coming to earth. Where? In us! Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you. It’s when we finally awaken to the things of the kingdom, and we operate in the kingdom on earth. This is part of it. 

So the board, when he said, “Annamarie, remember I told you about the dessert fork.” It’s Jesus. He says save your dessert fork for the sweet is coming and eyes will be open; ears will be open; veils will be lifted; scales will drop off of people’s eyes. And it, it, this is going to be like turned on, and he said, “Remember the dream you had the next night—JFK Jr., and the dessert fork; waffles and honey; healing like honey and the waffles are a grid.” It was all connected, and when he gave me that word two months ago about “The Lights Go Out in Georgia and Come Back On,” that was connected to George Washington. It was connected to a, bigger—D.C.—bigger. 

Now, many of you asked me about the, the, the meaning of 444, right. I have a whole teaching. Some of you found me that way because you wanted, you keep seeing the numbers 444, 444. Does the Holy Spirit speak through numbers? Yes! Our Father God is a mathematical God. The Hebrew language, which is God’s language, is an alphanumeric language. Letters mean, mean numbers. Numbers mean letters. Numbers mean words. The number four is Dalet in Hebrew. It means door. God is opening a new door. The key of David, right, the key of David is a sound. It’s a 444 frequency. Uh, King David played his harp, and when he played his harp, he played it in, in the 444 frequency, and demons scattered. Even King Saul asked, uh, David to come into his court and play his heart, harp in that 444 frequency and demons, oh, anxiety would come of King Saul as David played his harp.

I tell you all to look up the 444 frequency. Play it in your home. If you have children that are, are dealing with anxiety, if you’re dealing with anxiety, get that 444 frequency in. Why is that? Because that is the key of David. That is God’s frequency. Make sure, though, it is a Christian source. I did a whole teaching on removing demonic frequencies out of your home. It’s on my website, and I give you Christian sources. Okay? See, the enemy tries to take this and twist it, so we have to be really careful. We have to make sure that we’re going to a good source.

And, so the Spirit of the Lord says the tip of the spear—Joshua, President Trump—the White House fence looks like spears. The Battle of I, AI, God’s people have the victory. There’s a new sound. There’s a new shout. He says the victory started with a shout—a shout of the people. The Battle of AI was right after the Battle of Jericho. How did the walls, the evil walls, the evil frequencies, how did they come down? They came down with a shout. They came down with a honking of trumpets. 

So we are in the honking right now. See, the Battle of Jericho was the honking where the people had to blow their shofars, get the honking into the air to take down the strongholds, right, and they were taken down. Okay? And then the people had to give God all the plunder from that, and then God sent them on to the next city, which was what? AI, which God showed me was artificial intelligence, and God gave Joshua a battle plan to create a diversion, to confuse the enemy, and then come in the back door and take over AI. And all Joshua had to do was stand there on a mountain on a hill and point his spear there. And you know what happened, they piled the evil leaders, they killed the evil leaders of AI and piled them up at the gates for all to see. Wow!

So, right, we’ve got, we’ve got the honkers. We’ve got, so the trucks, the honkers, us, you know, shouting, praising, worshiping, blowing our shofars, the, shofars, the honkers coming into Washington, D.C. When I saw that vision over a year ago of all the geese, Canadian geese, a sea of Canadian geese honking all over Washington, swimming, a flood coming in, that’s the sound, right, of the honkers. That’s part of the sound. Right. It’s happening in Canada. It’s going to happen in Washington. It’s happening in, right, that’s where the walls come down in Jericho, and then the next thing, right, is AI, the tip of the spear and Trump is waiting. He’s waiting to flip this switch. It’s like he knows; he’s excited, any day now. I mean that’s what I was seeing in the Spirit. 

You see, Trump is the eagle that was prophesied, and when, when, um, the honkers have to, right, the geese have to go first and do the honking in the atmosphere with their V shape to cut through the powers and principalities, that second heaven, right, destroy the second heaven. What’s in the second heaven, right? The demonic sounds, the fake news, all that evil stuff, right? You do not want to try to get in the second heaven, I’m telling you, right, it’s, it’s evil up there. It, it, the angel armies of the Lord have to fight up there. We know that from the book of Daniel. Right? 

But our prayers on the ground, our sound on the ground, our worship, our praise, our honking, right, begins to, to shake those strongholds down and bring them crumbling down, right, so the eagle can come and he can soar, right. And he is going to flip the, the switch, and the new grid, and the new sound, and then the eagle has landed! Come on, God! 

This is the brilliant plan of God, my friends. And this is why President Trump keeps saying the best is yet to come and you will be happy. And when he said there’s going to be cures that are like miracles, this is part of it! This is going to heal our bodies like the Bible says, right down to our marrow, our bone marrow. 

You see, when God gave me that word, “The Lights Go Out in Georgia,” I had a feeling there was more to it, so I kept praying into it. I said, “Lord, is there more?” And then he kept showing me the White House fence, and he kept showing me the difference, and I was like, and then I, as I was watching Nancy Drew in Washington, and she kept walking along that fence and the Lord kept speaking to me, that brand new fence. And, as she was walking along it, I kept seeing the border wall fence, the new border wall fence and how it was like so similar, almost spaced apart the same way, and then the Lord gave me, he started to download this word to me.

Of course, this is going to be turned on in space from Space Force. Father God told us last January that the military operation, including Space Force, was being run by President Trump, and he said it’s the good guys, and he said, “Watch what I do.”

But all these things had to happen. The children had to be saved out of the tunnels, right. We had to raise up with our voices so we could start honking. All these things had to happen. The people had to awaken, and President Trump is literally being obedient to the bril, brilliant plan of God. And he’s waiting for all this, and he’s encouraging the truckers to come to D.C.—the honkers, us—right, breaking through those strongholds, shaking those, those, the evil walls of the second heaven, right, bringing forth the angel armies of God to destroy the evil wickedness. And when the honkers go forth and the eagle can come and the switch, WHEW, turns on—Space Force! It’s literally, he’s showing me, it’s like the lights will go off and the lights will go on, and it will be different. Literally, that’s what he’s showing me. 

And hold onto your fork—what? Tuning fork, your dessert fork, waffles, a grid. The sweet is coming. The honey connects back to scripture. Honey is healing, right, ri, right down to your bone marrow. That’s what it says in the Bible. Our words are frequency. God spoke the earth and all of creation and created it by a word, and it, it even says that God framed the world. He framed it. Framed it, right, like he framed it in like, like a grid is framed in. It’s being held together by a frame. What, by what? His word. And the enemy has been trying to come against that frequency for years, but too bad for him.

He’s going to be, the enemy’s going to be scattering like roaches because when this turns on, any, any, any demons, they won’t be able to stand it. They won’t be able to stand it. They’re going to be scattering, but our children, our land, right, uh, us, the people, the atmosphere will begin to receive this healing.

And remember the dream when I had, it was that Proverbs 31 dream, and, uh, and President Trump was in that dream, and I was, I was, we were at Paula Deen’s house, and all the women were there—President Trump’s, uh, daughters and daughter-in-laws and his granddaughters, we were all there. We were, we were making a beautiful meal, and they said to me, “Did you bring the flowers?” And I said, “Oh, the flowers.” And I, I, the, the flowers that I had were baby’s breath, and it was, it was so that the babies can breathe, so the babies will have breath, and, you know, the babies will live. Nothing will take the breath of the babies anymore. 

And, uh, and then we, we ate our meal. We were all so blessed, and, uh, we went and we sat down and, um, you know, by the fireplace, and I had my phone in the dream and I was trying to plug into the internet, and I was going around the whole house looking for the internet, looking for the modem, looking, and I, you know. And President Trump said … I was like, “I got to plug in.” I was like getting panicky, like, you know, “I have to have internet.” President Trump said, “Sit down! Don’t worry about it. I got this.” He said, “You will never have to plug in again.” That’s what he said to me in the dream, and I knew it was prophetic. I knew it was the Holy Spirit saying we won’t, we will never have to plug into the internet again. We’ll just have it, right, through whatever this is that’s coming.

Are President Trump and Elon Musk working together? Possibly. Um, Space Force, President Trump was really big on Space Force. You know, some, if we look back, and we look at the pieces of the puzzle, and, based on this word that God is giving us, and I’m just going to give you the pieces of it again. It, it all makes sense. 

Word from the Holy Spirit the morning of February 4th. Four means door. He gave it to me on the fourth. A new sound, a new door is opening, right, a new energy, a good one. He said the lights go out in Georgia and come back on, meaning George Washington also Washington, D.C. He says look at the power grid. It’ll, it’s being redone for the good. He said a healing frequency is coming. 

He said look to Trump, Tesla, and Space Force. He says the angels of the Lord will be attracted, and we will be able to see them. He says demons will scatter, but he said make sure you use discernment because the en, the enemy will try to use, uh, fake stuff in the sky to try to get ahead of this, uh, but we must ask the Holy Spirit to confirm what we’re seeing. 

He says the evil ones, the elite, know about this, and they’re trying to get ahead of it with, with fake UFO and fake things in the sky, in the sky. He said but there’s no, he said there’s no such thing as UFO, UFOs. These are only demons in the second heaven and fallen angels. He says, “They hate the sound of my frequency,” the Lord said. 

He said when this is activated by Trump and Space Force, a huge healing shift will come—a new mindset, healing. He showed me the waffle. He showed me the honey. He showed me the scripture, right, that heal, the, the, the healing will be like honey. It’ll be like healing right down to our very bone marrow. He said the White House, the new White House fence is a tuning fork. It can be turned on and off for a good frequency. He says the border fence between America and Mexico that President Trump is building is also a tuning fork. It can be turned on and off to release these healing frequencies and this new energy connected to Space fork, Force. 

He said, “Remember when I gave you the word about the dessert fork, tuning fork, fork, the dessert is coming.” He said you will have the sweet for the bitter. Hang on to your fork, he said, because the sweet is coming. The very next night I had a prophetic dream about JFK Jr., and a dessert fork. He was eating waffles and wanted honey on his waffles. He was holding up the waffles. The waffles are a grid and honey on the grid. 

He said the key of David 444 frequency. Four means door, Dalet in Hebrew, new door, new healing, the key of David, right, and God said he would rebuild the tabernacle of David in this time. What does that mean? Outdoor worship. Just worshiping God everywhere you go, unabandonedly. And the sound of David’s harp is a healing sound. 

He said President Trump is the tip of the spear. He’s his Joshua. He said the White House fence that Trump added looks like spears. He had me go back and look at it. He said Trump is just holding his spear like he had Joshua pointing at AI while, while his strategy is taking down artificial intelligence. He said go back and read about the battle of AI. 

He said right now we’re in the Battle of Jericho where our sound, our honking is destroying the strongholds in the air, right, and it’s, it’s crumbling it down. And his angels are going in and taking down these demonic things, these demonic principalities. And that, uh, you know, our prayers going up and all the things that we’re doing as boots on the ground, my friends, we’re the honkers. We’re the trumpets. We’re the geese. We’re flying in the V formation. It’s happening in Canada, and now it’s happening in Washington, D.C., and other cities. 

And he even said to me the eagle has landed, and who is the eagle, right? It’s us. It’s President Trump. It’s us with the vision for this nation. And, uh, you know, Joshua had the vision. Moses had the vision, and, and we got to have the vision too. And Joshua had to gather the people to get them all on that same vision—the vision of God. Right? And this next battle, after the honkers, after, after our, our sound goes forth and takes down, you know, these, these, these, these demonic walls in the spirit, what, what walls are crumbling, crumbling down, my friends, from us honking, from our sound, from our worship like Jericho? These are spiritual walls. These are our strongholds in the spirit that are coming crumbling down. And in the Battle of AI, right, Trump’s the tip of the spear, right, and we’re all like a V behind him. So Trump’s the tip of the spear, right. If he’s out front, okay, and, and, and we’re all the V behind him, so he’s got the main vision, and we’ve got to have that same vision behind him like God did with Joshua. Okay? And he’s the eagle. Trump is the eagle with the, God has given him the vision for this nation.

Why is God doing all this? It’s for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to go forth so that the bride of Christ can be pre, prepared for her bridegroom—the billion soul harvest, you see. You see, we’re, those who are in the ark of the covenant with Jesus Christ, believers, we’re going to be lifted up above this judgment, and God’s going to come in and take out the wicked. It’s the wicked that are going to be washed away like God washed away them in the flood of Noah.

You see, Jesus said these days would be like the days of Noah, right. And what happened to Noah? Noah and his family had to go into the ark. Who’s our ark now? Jesus Christ. Okay? And as soon as, as Noah and his family were sealed up in the ark, right, we’re sealed up in the ark with Jesus. Then God’s judgment came, and then it says … Go back and read Genesis Chapter 7. It says, “And then the ark was lifted up in the air above the judgment.” It’s the same thing. Right? So stop sitting around waiting on the rapture. Just make sure that you’re in covenant with Jesus Christ and know that you and your household shall be saved because Noah’s household was saved. 

[Inaudible] Get yourself right with Jesus and pray for your loved ones to come to Jesus Christ, and, if you have an unsaved loved one, just say, “Lord, just like Noah, him and his household were saved, because I’m in the ark of your covenant, I ask the rest of my household to be in the ark of your covenant when your judgment comes with the wicked, that we will be lifted up above the judgment.” Why is it Jesus Christ that’s lifting us up? It’s because we’re in covenant with him. We’re in his ark of the covenant. This is so that we can go forth and spread the gospel to all the world, and particularly America was founded to spread the gospel to all the world. 

And let me tell you something, another prophecy that we got to call forth is that “Billion Soul Harvest of Youth,” by Bob Jones, you see. And let me, let me give you, give you an understanding, the bridegroom must come for his bride, and we got a lot of work to do. It says that the church, the ecclesia, the bride of Christ must be without spot or wrinkle to prepare for her bridegroom. She’s got to prepare her dowry. Jesus has to come back for his bride, and he has to come back for her dowry, which is his reward for dying on the cross.

So we are in a time of the kingdom, coming into understanding of the kingdom, to bring thousands and billions to Jesus Christ, to prepare the bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle because we have to have our oil, our oil lamps filled, our light, right, to receive who? The bridegroom! The bridegroom cometh. Jesus has to come back for his bride, and we’ve, we’ve got to prepare her, and we got a lot of work to do.

So don’t sit around and wait for the rapture in your church pew. Get out and say, “Lord, how can you use me right now?” Take advantage of this kingdom time. How can you be a part of preparing the bride for the bridegroom? How can you be a part of the billion soul harvest? How can you be a part of this great kingdom age? 

We’re going to see signs, wonders, miracles. We’ll be doing things that Jesus did because he said we would, in the earth, you see? And, my friends, it’s time for action. It’s time for the kingdom, the ecclesia, the, the bride of Christ to sparkle like a diamond. It’s harvest time, and we are living in the most glorious time ever, ever! I don’t know about you, but I am so excited with this word! It’s incredible. Incredible. 

You see, the kingdom age is when the people of God, those who are in Christ Jesus who, the kingdom works within us. Jesus said the kingdom is within you. When we come into the realization of walking in our true authority in Christ and begin to truly do what he did in the earth, that’s what the kingdom is. It’s us on earth activating the kingdom and doing the works of Jesus Christ here preparing the way of the bridegroom, right, to receive his bride and prepare his dowry, her dowry, which is the great harvest of souls for Jesus. 

This is where we are now, my friends. Now, you take this all to the Lord yourself. With every prophetic word that comes from this broadcast, that comes from this prophet, take it, take it to the Lord yourself. 

I’ll have my, my, uh, my Goose, Gynti, my scribe, my transcriptionist, I’ll have her transcribe this whole word and get it on my website. I’ll have, uh, Piccirillo, my tech director, I’ll have him make a special video of this. I’ll put these notes together for all of you. 

Look up. Look up. Your Father God, who loves you, who loves his children, is calling us, calling us to rise up to be a son and a daughter because he sent his only son because he loved what? God so loved the world, that he sent his only son that we shall be saved, right. And Jesus said thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the earth as it is in Heaven. We’re not giving the devil the earth! We’re occupying until Jesus Christ comes, and we’re preparing the ecclesia, and Jesus said, “And my church,” right, what did he say about his ecclesia, his church? He said she’s on a strong foundation, a rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against us! 

Last time I looked, those, those, those fences at the White House and the border had some beautiful-looking gates. We’re the gatekeepers. We’re the door keepers. It’s our sound that goes forth. Stop being a doormat and start being a doorkeeper for the Lord. 

Hallelujah! Raise up a shout! Raise up a sound for the Spirit of the Lord God is upon us! Glory to God! Wow, what a word! I was like, at first, when he started saying all this to me, and then he connected it to the other words, “The Dessert Fork,” that we had; “The Lights Go Out in Georgia,” and the dream that I had about JFK Jr., with the dessert fork and the honey and confirming it in the scriptures, I knew; I knew. This is his brilliant plan unfolding.

So, my friends, take this word, tuck it in your heart; bring it before Lord, the Lord yourself; ask for confirmation. And this is just an, a glorious time, a glorious time.

UPDATE: THE HOLY SPIRIT IS REVEALING TO ME THAT THE FEB 4TH ORANGE BALL LIGHT IN THE SKY AND SHAPES ON THE LENS ON OF THE WHITE HOUSE CAM WAS NOT EVIL. IT WAS GOOD!  Look at the water droplets on the cam lens. They were making beautiful designs. The White House was lit in patriotic colors (by Trump). It was Nancy Drew’s BIRTHDAY. She was filled with JOY standing there in the rain. I think they were testing the new 444 FREQUENCY on the new fence. 

God gave me the word to watch the water droplets that same morning, and I posted the image of the water crystals responding to healing words as they became beautiful designs. ITS ALL GOOD!!  LOOK CLOSELY AT THE WATER DROPS (on the lens) THEY ARE FORMING INTO BEAUTIFUL SHAPES. That means GOOD frequency.

The orange ball above is also water droplets coming together in the sky responding to the good frequency. Look it up to UNDERSTAND what happens when a godly frequency is sounded into moisture in the atmosphere—these shapes form. Those colorful balls and shapes appear over the sounds of God’s frequency.  

This is confirmation to the word the Lord gave me: healing sounds coming and the White House fence is a tuning fork to sound a 444 frequency; the healing sound of God—Key of David. I believe Feb 4th was a test.  Remember Dan Scavino, who is close with President Trump, posted a bird on an earth cam last week. They know we are watching the White House! This is TRUMP DOING THIS! It’s a HUGE CLUE! Watch the water—droplets on the earth cam! THANK YOU, FATHER, FOR YOUR BRILLIANT PLAN. IT IS HAPPENING! CONFIRMATION!!  – ANNAMARIE

VIDEO: Midnight 2/4/2022 on the White House Live Stream, Wild Light Show Continues



Are you having a hard time praying or even dealing with distraction, discord, anxiety and strife in your home?  It’s time to deal with these demonic frequencies and get them moved out and usher in the frequency of God!






2.) REPENT FOR SINS ON HOME, LAND AND FAMILY (repenting in the courts of heaven here)

3.)DEDICATE HOME LAND AND FAMILY TO GOD (do a land assignment here)

4.) INVITE THE HOLY SPIRIT AND ANOINT YOUR HOME (see anointing home here)

5.)DO SPIRITUAL HOUSECLEANING (see cleaning demonic clutter here)



PRAYER: “Father God I ask in Jesus name for You to send Your Warrior Angels and Heavenly Hosts over me and my household to take us off the frequency of the demonic. Scatter Your enemies Oh God far far away from me and block them and smite them down with Your fiery swords and shields so the demonic cannot see, hear, perceive or touch me, my family and household at all today in Jesus name! I invite the HOLY SPIRIT to come and hover over me and FILL my household so the ONLY frequency we operate on is YOUR FREQUENCY and YOUR KINGDOM Almighty God! Amen!”

You can also play a recording of the #shofar to usher in the Angelic of God and bring in the Frequency of God in your home. I try to blow my own shofar as much as I can at my front door and even in my home and studio. 



UNDERSTAND there is a ‘frequency’ that is a sound and vibration that is of the demonic, as there is also a sound and vibration that is of God. This is not “new age” they stole that term and twisted it! It always belonged to God! God created the world with a sound, a word, He spoke it into existence and HIS sound is what is holding creation together. This is in the Bible. The demonic tries to come against this with their sounds, particularly in music. God’s frequency is 444 MEGAHERTZ. This is the KEY OF KING DAVID. Young King David played his harp in this key and demons fled! Read about David playing his harp for Saul! The sound of the Shofar – the rams horn is the sound of the voice of God in battle and summons the Angel armies and releases a Heavenly vibration and frequency to destroy demonic strongholds. This is what took down the walls of Jericho! Now this is all being re-discovered. Our music used to be tuned to Godly frequencies such as 444, 396, 528, 432,  During the Nazi era they changed it to 440 which is demonic!  Demonic frequencies cause discord in the atmosphere and in our bodies even in our pets!  Look at the Holy Spirit based teachings and music of Michael Tyrrell of Wholetones, he has a list of GODLY FREQUENCIES. Johnny Cash and old Gospel Musicians knew to tune their instruments to 528 and 432 which is a Godly frequency! Study up on this and fill your home and atmosphere with GODLY FREQUENCIES.

Here is the Link to Wholetones Michael Tyrrell on YouTube: https://youtu.be/31iD2VPLMxQ

Here are some links to other Christian based music with frequencies of God:

“Fresh Oil” 444hz https://youtu.be/V-En7oVKHog

‘Resting In The Holy Spirit” 444hz https://youtu.be/77FW98_wV8E

“David’s Harp For Peaceful Calm” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiCdferacD4

Healing Sounds by John Tussey https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnTussey

Musicians connected to our Ministry:

Susie Q – Praise and Worship in 432hz

John E Kelly Praise and Worship 444hz

This is a very good practice in your home – to bring peace.  If you are dealing with major discord in your home and family look into my Removing Discord Prayers here.

Learn how anointing yourself each morning can bring peace to your body, mind soul and spirit here.

Love you and God bless your household and may the Glory of God be your covering and the PEACE of our Lord Jesus Christ be with YOU!

– Coach Annamarie

Psalm 5…11But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever shout for joy. May You shelter them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. 12 For surely You, O LORD, bless the righteous; You surround them with the shield of Your favor.

Cross References
Psalm 3:3
But You, O LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.

Psalm 29:11
The LORD gives His people strength; the LORD blesses His people with peace.

Psalm 32:7
You are my hiding place. You protect me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah

Psalm 32:10
Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but loving devotion surrounds him who trusts in the LORD.

Psalm 103:4
who redeems your life from the Pit and crowns you with loving devotion and compassion,