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ASKING GOD FOR A SIGN? IS THIS OK OR NOT? (How To Ask The Holy Spirit For Confirmation)

ASKING GOD FOR A SIGN? IS THIS OK OR NOT? (How To Ask The Holy Spirit For Confirmation)

Watch the replay of this excerpt from my live broadcast on 12/21/20 as I answer this question from a viewer: “Is it okay to ask God for a sign?”

(How To Ask The Holy Spirit For Confirmation)

See the instruction in the video, transcription notes and prayers at the end to learn how to ask God for a sign for something that you need guidance on in your life!

The Holy Spirit WANTS to partner with you! It’s okay to ask Him to give you a sign and to show you the steps that He has for you in order to confirm what He has called you to do for the Kingdom. 

ANNAMARIE: [Timestamp – 30:36] Listen, you don’t have to ask to see a whale. You can ask for anything, but don’t make it obvious. Okay? Like if you were to, work at a sandwich shop and you see tomatoes every day, don’t say, “Lord, show me a tomato.” You see tomatoes every day. Let it be something that’s unique, and different, okay? Let it be something that you don’t normally see that only God can bring to you. Okay? Or you can start with the simple thing that me and Jeno started with, a whale. 

That’s how God directs His prophets. He puts them in the belly of a whale. Okay? We know that Jonah was going the wrong way, but God put him in the stomach of a whale to redirect him to the right way, and so I just used whales. That’s what God showed me, you know, but you can, you can whatever between you and the Holy Spirit. Gideon used a fleece.

Now, I go deeper with God on these things. I say, “Lord, show me a number.” Okay? “Show me 55 or show me 555 or show me this scripture today.” 

So, the, the Holy Spirit wants to work with you. He wants to you to write things down. He wants you to journal with Him. He wants to, so that you will have what? A testimony! 

You see, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. My testimony today is giving God glory and is getting you to connect with the Holy Spirit, work with the Holy Spirit so that you can have the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And what does the fruit of the Holy Spirit do? It gives God glory. Okay?

So, of course, it’s okay to ask for signs. You’re partnering with the Holy Ghost. That’s what you’re meant to do. So if you want to ask for a whale, ask for a whale. 

You see, God wants to move His prophets, teachers, evangelists, intercessors and builders around. We have to go and deliver the word, deliver the message, deliver the prophesy over the land, be boots on the ground, but we got to be willing to go. “Yes, Lord, send me.” And when you’re working with God and He’s sending you places and He’s commissioning you and He’s leading you into your assignment, you have to have these signs. You have to have these confirmations so that you can stay in obedience as well. 

I have learned how to ask for signs and partner with the Holy Spirit and be like Gideon. We’re not using this to trip up Jesus. We should never say, “Lord, give me a sign to prove it.” No, we should never be like that, ever! We do it humbly in partnership with the Holy Spirit, walking with Him, talking with Him in relationship, writing it down. We are the Holy Spirit’s scribe. 

We are to be asking questions of the Holy Spirit and of Jesus like children ask Him a question. That’s why we are said childlike faith. That’s why Jesus bless the little children. Jesus was always chastising the Pharisees because of the way they acted with their uppity ways, but when the children came to Him, they were asking Him questions and wanted to just be near him. And Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is like these little children asking of me, being inquisitive of me, asking these sweet innocent questions like a child would.”

This is the revelation of the Holy Spirit. We’ve got to read the word of God with the revelation of the Holy Spirit. If you read your Bible without the revelation of the Holy Spirit, you’re going to stay confused and you’re going to, you’re not going to be able to get that word in your spirit, and you’re going to be reading it with religious eyes instead of Holy Spirit eyes. And religion is fear and control, but Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the true Spirit of the living God that is in the words of those pages are prosperity and life and life abundant and freedom and liberty and grace and mercy and partnership and kingdom and glory. 

And this, my friends, is what I encourage you all today and motivate you to do today because all of Heaven is cheering you on in this race, and there are many lets to this race. There are many stations to this race where you’ll be in this race, and you’re going to have to stop and ask for directions of the Holy Spirit each time. And every time you stop and ask directions of the Holy Spirit, He will be faithful to give you those directions. 

And, yes, you can ask Him for a sign for those directions. “But what is my next road sign, Lord? What’s my next road sign so that I can run this race strong and fast and be accelerated so I can have the victory for Jesus Christ.”

And all of Heaven is cheering you on. We are the heroes of the faith now, and God sends us signs in the heavens with the stars and the moon in the sky. That’s why they were put up there. And today is December 21, 2020, where a great sign in the heavens is here for us, the people of God. And we say, “More, God. We receive Your glorious sign today. We receive it into our spirit, and we are ready to be activated and ac, accelerated by this sign in the heavens and by the signs that you put in our lives so the, that the KINGDOM OF GOD can be accelerated in the earth through us, Your ecclesia, Jesus, for Your kingdom and Your glory is forever and ever, in Jesus’ name.” Hallelujah.

So, my friends, I hope you enjoyed this teaching today. I hope it motivated you and it encouraged you. It’s okay to ask for a sign, and I hope and pray that you really seek God’s face. Ask Him to speak to you because He wants to talk to you. He wants to walk with you. He wants to show you His beautiful signs and wonders. He wants to give you direction for your life. He wants you to fulfill your assignment on earth so that great fruit can be produced in your life for you, for your household, for your family, and for the kingdom of God.

And, Father, I just ask of You today, in the name of Jesus, I ask of You today for Your spirit, your Holy Spirit to pour out on all of my friends today in such a way that they’ve never, ever, ever seen before in their lives. That You are showing them signs everywhere they go, and the Holy Spirit, You go and prompt them strongly in their spirit for them to pay attention to these signs that You give them today, Lord, and that it, they receive it into their spirit. And, Father, I just pray for these, these bold signs that You are giving to Your people, that You give to my friends today, and, Father, I’m going to ask for the sign today for all my friends, the sign of a feather, that You show my friends the sign of a feather today that You are with them, that Your angels are with them, and that Your Holy Spirit is with them. Just show them the sign of a feather today, Father. I don’t know how You’re going to show them a feather today. I just know you’re going to show them a feather. Maybe You’re going to show it to them in a drawing. Maybe they’re going to see a feather on the ground. Maybe they’re going to walk into a building and see a painting of a feather. I don’t know how You’re going to show them a feather today, Lord. I just know you’re going to show them a feather because You love them. Your Holy Spirit wants to partner with them. You do want to give us signs, and you want us to ask for them, and I ask You to show each one of my friends today a feather, somehow, some way, like only You can do, Father, as a sign of Your faithfulness of Your Holy Spirit being with us. I ask You this, Father, in Jesus’s name. We receive our feathers today, in the name of Jesus, as a sign of Your faithfulness, Father God, to partner with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord, and we praise You. Amen, amen, amen and woo hoooo!!

All right, my friends, keep your eye out for a feather, and if you see a feather, let me know. Share it with me, and know that it’s a sign of God’s faithfulness that He loves you, that He’s with you, and that He wants you to ask Him for signs and steps, and He wants to have that partnership with you, with His Holy Spirit so you can fulfill exactly what You’ve been called to do and be accelerated to the, into your destiny for the kingdom and the glory of God. Hallelujah. [Timestamp: 47:45]

Simple How To Ask God For A Sign Prayer: 

Please make it simple. Go to a private place where there are no electronics (computers, phones, etc) that could listen in on what you ask the Holy Spirit, and just ask quietly and faithfully:

“Holy Spirit, my helper, I am asking for a sign like you did for Gideon. I am asking this for myself now. This is my question for you Holy Spirit: _____________________? If the answer is yes, please show me a Whale.  If the answer is no, please show me a Jellyfish. Thank You, Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name I ask this, and I am in faithful expectation of your help in this matter! Amen.”

You can also pray this way for confirmation in a matter:

“Father God I partner with your Holy Spirit I want to have conversations and confirmations with your Holy Spirit!  I want your Holy Spirit to guide me every step of the way of my divine assignment so I can fulfill it!  I desire to  see the fruit of the Holy Spirit in my life and in others lives so you get the all the glory, God!  Holy Spirit, my helper in Jesus name I’m asking you for a sign today.  My question I need confirmed is: Shall I proceed on this situation OF: ________________ ?  If  this is meant for me to proceed on this matter, Holy Spirit  I’m asking for you to show me the number 555, and show it to me repeatedly for confirmation.  I am faithfully asking to have your grace and confirmation and stamp of approval upon this decision.  I don’t know where you’re going to show me the number 555 I just know you’re going to show me the number 555.  I’m going to be awake and alert and ready to receive your answer and confirmation in Jesus name!  Thank You Holy Spirit!” 

Love you my friend! –  Coach Annamarie