Tag: benefits

Prayer To Receive All The Benefits of The Kingdom

Prayer To Receive All The Benefits of The Kingdom

Transcription of the word that the Holy Spirit gave to Annamarie Strawhand, which she delivered during her broadcast of Life in the Faith Lane on August 30, 2023.

Watch the video below, and then read the transcript and pray the prayer that follows.


ANNAMARIE: So this morning I want to give you some encouragement, and this is so important for our times, my friends, to understand that if we are believers in Jesus Christ, if we have received the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, as our King, okay, not only are we born again in the spirit, not only will we go to Heaven, not only are we saved, but we have become a citizen of the kingdom of God in the earth. We’ve become a citizen of the kingdom of God in the earth. 

Right, Jesus came to what? Bring the kingdom, and I’m trying my best to teach you about the kingdom, understand how the kingdom works; get a kingdom-victorious mindset; how to represent the kingdom of God in your life and your purpose. Okay? 

But here’s another wonderful thing about being a citizen of the kingdom of God. You have benefits. You and your household have benefits. When you become a citizen of a nation, of a country, right, you get all the benefits of that country, and so do, uh, your children. Amen? 

So I’m going to read Psalm 103 this morning, and we’re going to make a proclamation to confirm our citizenship of the kingdom of God in the earth. Y’all ready? Okay, I’m going to screen share with y’all, and because, you know, we, we are of the kingdom and sometimes we forget. No, we should not forget. Okay? 

We have to be in that kingdom mindset all the time and remember the benefits we have of the kingdom. We, we are not of this world’s economy. We are not of this world’s, right? We are of God’s economy. We are of the kingdom of God omy, economy. He supplies all our needs. Right? He’s our source of everything. Everything else is a resource. Because of Jesus Christ, we have everything that the kingdom of God offers — in the earth, in the earth! It’s called benefits, benefits.

Okay, so let me, uh, screen share with y’all. Now, I’m going to be reading from my trusty King James, but I’m going to share with y’all, and we’re just going to do a really wonderful, beautiful, awesome proclamation this morning. Y’all ready?

Okay, so this is the King James Version of Psalm 103, and I just want you to just really soak this in. If you have your Bibles this morning, um, all right, you have your Bibles this morning, you ready? Okay. 

“Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His holy name.” 

So you enter the kingdom with what? Worship, right? You enter the kingdom, you enter the Courts of God with worship, every morning, right? We enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise. We just go back a couple of Psalms, Psalms 100. 

And I love this; “Bless the Lord.” You see, the Hebrews, when they pray over their food, they don’t say, “Lord, bless this food.” They say, “We bless the Lord for this food. Blessed are You, O Lord, O God, King of the Universe, my Lord and my King who provides the bread from the earth and the fruit of the vine.”

So that’s the kingdom mindset, right? Our Lord and our King, and we are in His kingdom. He is providing all of our needs, and when we “bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within us; bless His holy name,” we are commanding our every being, even our soul, our cells, our mind to bless God. Isn’t that beautiful?

I love how King David, when he wrote these Psalms, he would command his soul. He would command his soul like, uh, “Soul, why are you so sad today? Praise God!” You know, because we want a healthy soul. We want a healthy soul. Amen? Our soul is happy and worshipping God.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.”

So, Father God, our, our King, our Father, we are of His family. We are of His kingdom. The Lord Jesus Christ purchased us back, brought us back into the kingdom, brought us back into the family. We’ve got benefits. We’ve got all the benefits of being in, in the kingdom of God and being a citizen in the kingdom of God and being of the family of God. Not only are we a citizen, but we’re in the family. Come on!

“Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.”

Okay, so here’s the first benefit: He forgives all your sins. He forgives even the sins of your family bloodline, right, iniquities, and He heals all your diseases. You see, if we don’t have a kingdom mindset and we’re walking around going, “Oh, it’s just so terrible. This world’s just so [Sob, sob, sob] [Inaudible]. STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! Remember who you belong to! Come on! Say, “Wait a minute; I got benefits here! All my diseases are healed. No, they’re, no, I don’t, I don’t have them.” It’s a benefit. Come on. My family bloodline, I repented for my sins, and because I repented for my sins, those iniquities are gone. It’s a benefit.

“Who redeemed thy life from destruction; who crowns thee with lovingkindness and tender mercy.”

It means, “redeems your life from destruction,” it means nothing bad can happen. One of the benefits of being a citizen of the kingdom of God in the family of God, He brings us out of destruction. He brings us out of those things. If you’re facing a problem right now, if you’re facing a problem go, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. I’m a citizen of the kingdom of God. I belong to the family of Jesus Christ. I have benefits, and the benefits are: that problem right there, right there, it’s redeemed by God. He’s taking it away from me.”

And then it says, “He crowns me with His kindness and mercy.” Not only does He go and take my problem away because it’s a benefit I have, but He crowns me with His kindness and His mercy. Like, “Not only am I going to redeem that issue, that problem right now. That’s a benefit you have for being in My family, for being in My kingdom, for being under My covering here, but I’m going to crown you with My kindness and My mercy.” Like, “Come on; it’s okay.”

You see, here’s the problem, Father God … and here’s the problem, we’re going to ask Father God to redeem this problem. Too many people look at the powers of this world, and they don’t look at the powers of their Father God. They don’t, they’re walking around like orphans, it’s called an orphan spirit. It really is a terrible spirit.

People are walking around like orphans thinking, “Oh, this terrible thing, this terrible thing,” and they, they walk around in fear. They forget who their daddy is. They forget who they belong to. They forget whose family they’re in. They forget that they’re a citizen of the kingdom of God, and they have benefits. Jesus said people perish for lack of knowledge. This is why we have to be in this Word all the time, and say, “Okay, Holy Spirit, what are You really saying here?” And the Holy Spirit say, “You have benefits.”

People are walking around like orphans, like they have no, no home, like they have no daddy, like they have no family. They, they, they worry about what the, the government’s going to do. They worry about, oh, social security and this and that. We, we, we got social security. We got all the security we need, and it’s the kingdom of God. We have, our benefits come from God. We just have to what? Claim them, and we’re going to do that in just a minute.

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

What? Many of you keep saying to me, “Annamarie, I keep seeing eagles. I keep seeing eagles. I keep seeing eagles. What’s that a sign from?” Okay? Uh, eagle, if you’re seeing eagles all the time, it means that long-term vision. God wants you to keep your eyes on Him. Keep your eyes on the good things that are coming. Keep your eyes, come on. You will be satisfied. You want land? You want to build a house? You want good things for your family? Eagles have long-term vision. They have enduring faith, right? They see miles down, down, and we have to be focused on, “Wait a minute, God’s going to take share, take, take, take care of my food, my housing, my clothing, and even more than that. I have vision. I have vision like an eagle. I know my God has got great things for me now and great things for me down the road. I’m going to soar like an eagle because I can see it by faith.”

And so when you have vision, and you know by faith that God is going to take care of all those things, and you see the vision, “Say, Father God, I want to see the vision You have for me, God.” Do you have, do you have a beautiful vision for your children? Do you have a beautiful vision for your children? You want to see them with a nice home. You want to see them in, in perfect health? You want to see them serving the Lord? Hm? You want to see them financially set? God has those same visions for us! And even as we are of His kingdom, He has a vision for us for the kingdom, to do wonderful things for His kingdom. Right? And those things are going to be satisfying for us. It’s another benefit.

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things, and thy youth is renewed as the eagle’s. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.”

Have you been oppressed by someone? Have your children been bullied? Were you abused? Were you ever treated unfairly? Let it go…pssssh. Give it to God. God will execute judgment. God will contend with those who contend with you, and He will save your children. So God, He’ll take care of those situ, those people. 

Say, “Father God, I belong to You. You see what’s happening over there? Those people are taking advantage of my sister. I don’t like it. Those people are taking advantage of my mom. I don’t like it. Those people are taking advantage of my neighbor. I don’t like it. Those people are taking advantage of me. I don’t like it. I belong to You, God. My family belongs to You, God. And I’m even going to pray for my neighbor today because I know they’re a Christian, and they belong to the kingdom. Lord, execute righteousness and judgment for their situation. They’re somebody trying to take advantage of them.”

It’s a benefit of the kingdom. You know, God has law enforcement. It’s a kingdom, and it’s got laws. It’s got law enforcement. It has the courts and everything. I teach you how to go into the Courts of Heaven. And God will send His angel armies to enforce, enforce, enforce, enforce these things. 

Say, “Father God, one of the benefits, according to Psalm 103, I’m being treated unfairly in this situation. That person’s trying to uh, uh, uh, oppress something. I don’t like that. It’s wrong. I want to go in their fa, ge in their face and open up a can of whip butt on them, BUT …” You say, “Wait a minute. I know who my daddy is!”

Hey, you ever been one of those mamas where your kid was getting bullied on the bus? You’re like, “Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, uh-uh!” And you wait for that bus to stop, and you get up on that bus. You say, “Listen, you lay off my kid right now.” Right? Mama bear comes out. You’ve been one of them moms? 

God is your mama bear. He’s going to fight your battles. Somebody messing with you? Oh, it’s not going to be good for them. Right?

So we take this word. God’s word is His will. We say, “Father God, you see what’s going on with my kid? That is wrong. They’re oppressing them. They’re not being treated fairly. Me and my family, we are of Your kingdom. We are of Youf family, and Psalm 103 says that you will go and execute righteous judgment and that you will go and do it right now. Jesus’ name. Come on.

“He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.”

So if you want to know God’s personality, His ways, uh, how He thinks, right, how He takes care of His children, how He looks after His children, read about Moses. Read about the children of Israel. Because of Jesus Christ, we have all the blessings. 

“The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plentious in mercy.”

God is not mad at you. Stop that. He loves you, and He’s plenteous in mercy. If you messed up, “Uh, Father God, I really messed up there, but I know you’re merciful.” 

Now, if you had an earthly father that was abusive or mean or you were afraid of him, this is something you’ve got to get healed. You’ve got to get healed so that you don’t look at Father God that way. He’s not that way. He’s loving, gracious, and merciful. He’s not mad at you. He wants you to come to Him. Right? You have all the benefits to come and sit next to Him.

As a matter of fact, He seated us right next to Him in Jesus Christ. We’re like this with God. We have His ear. We’re seated right next to our Father. That’s a benefit of the kingdom. 

“He will not always chide, neither will he keep his anger forever.”

Will Father God correct You? He will correct you through His Holy Spirit. Okay? He will correct you through His Holy Spirit, and be okay with that correction. It means He loves you. 

“He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.” 

What does that mean? Well, He could just destroy us for our sins. Right? Our reward, a reward could be a good or bad reward. Right? He, He could destroy us for our sins. He could destroy us for the iniquities or the sins of our family bloodline, but He doesn’t because He wants us to come to Him. He wants us to trust Him and say … All we have to do is say, “Gee, Father God, I’m sorry. I repent. You have grace and mercy for me, and You’re not going to hold it against me because of the blood of Your Son, Jesus, washes it all away.” It’s as easy as that. 

“For as the Heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.”

And it’s not fear like, “Woo, fear.” It’s awe. This word “fear” means awe of God. I’m in awe of You, God. You’re so wonderful. You’re so gracious. You’re so glorious. You’re such a, a, a, great and, and, and mighty, mighty, mighty protector. Right?

“As far as from the east and from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions,” which are sins, “from us.” 

So listen to me, if you’ve gone before Father God, and you’ve said, “Father God, I repent for my sin. I ask for grace and mercy.” You know, whether you repented for your sins in a, in a big way or your repented for your sins for your whole family bloodline or maybe you have a specific sin that the Holy Spirit brings to your remembrance and you’ve repented for it, and you asked Jesus to cover it with His blood, it’s gone! It’s erased. It’s gone.

See, I know so many people they come to me and they say, “Oh, Annamarie, have I been forgiven of this? It was just so terrible,” and they’re still beating themself up over it. They’re still feeling guilty over it. Forgive yourself! If God has forgiven you, you forgive you! 

If somebody tries to bring up your past, and says, “Hey, remember when you ran around when you were young and stupid and you did that, you did that thing? You did that really stupid thing, and it was really bad?” And they’re like, “Ha ha ha ha,” trying to bring it up. That’s the devil just trying to make you feel guilty for your sin. You know what I say? I say, “Well, God’s forgiven me for that. It’s gone. It’s erased under the blood of Jesus, and I’ve forgiven myself for it.” I don’t let people do that to me.

“Like a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” 

Right? In awe of him. And pity isn’t like, “Oh, I feel sorry for you.” It’s, it’s that mercy like, “Okay, I see your heart.” Okay?  Do not continue to feel guilty. Maybe you made a mistake with your kids. Maybe you made a mistake in your past. Okay, repent for it. Say you’re sorry. Ask Jesus to put His blood on it. Ask Father to forgive you. It’s forgiven. It’s erased. It’s done. It’s over. Forgive yourself. Don’t sit there and wallow and wallow and wallow and, and ring your hands like, “Oh, it’s [Inaudible].” Stop! But if God sees you just, just stewing in that worry of your past or whatever, He’s going to say, “Enough. Look at Me. Look at Me. I have mercy on you. All that matters is what I think of you.” That’s what the Lord is saying to you.

“For he knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust.”

We are His masterpiece. He framed us like a beautiful masterpiece. He knows our frame. You know what that means? In other words, He created us. He framed us. He, He painted us. He, He knows exactly everything that He created us, we are His masterpiece. He has us like in a, a beautiful gold frame. You got pictures of your children all over the place? That’s God. This is how He looks at us. He remembers that we are dust. He created us from dust. He created us from nothing. Well, actually He created us from Himself using dust. Right? He breathed His Spirit into us. He remembers us since the beginning of time, that we were a thought in His mind. Have you had a thought about a painting, like, “Oh, I would love to paint that. I have an inspiration of painting that. It’s my masterpiece. I’m going to hang it up and I’m, it’s going to say it’s good and I love it”? That’s how God looks at us. 

“For the wind passeth over it, and it’s gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.”

So when we die and we go back to being dust, right, okay, it’s just whooo, right, [Inaudible] a little wisp in the wind, but our spirit lives forever — everlasting — our spirit.

“But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children.”

So the good things and the faithful things and the righteousness and being a citizen of Heaven and a citizen of the kingdom of God in the earth, it is everlasting upon you and your children and your children’s children. 

Did you have faithful ancestors that loved the Lord and those blessings and benefits are being passed on to you? Yes.

“To such as keep his covenant, and those who remember his commandments and do them.” 

It’s all about covenant, right, covenant of marriage, covenant of family, covenant of the kingdom. People say, “Oh, you have a social security number. You’re a citizen of the United States of America, right, or whatever you are. That’s like a covenant that you have or some kind of number that causes you to belong, but God says, “I’m not just, I’m not going to give you a number. I’m going to have you in covenant with me, like a marriage covenant, a partnership, a relationship.” It’s not like ownership. It’s covenant. It’s family. It’s citizenship with all of the benefits. “Father God, I’m in covenant with you,” right? 

Now, we’re going to say a prayer and remember His commandments. Do your best, right, to remember them. Remember He’s merciful. If you mess up, just go to Him and say, “Uh, Father God, I messed up.” And He will have mercy on you. 

“The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleth over all.”

What’s that all? Right? All the beasts in the field, all the land, us. Will the enemy come in and try to wreak havoc because of sin? Absolutely, but all we have to do is come back to God and say, “Father God, I belong to You. I belong to Your kingdom. I repent for my sins. I ask Jesus to put His blood on it. I want the benefits back, all of them.”

“Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.”

When we speak the word of God, the angels of the Lord hearken to it. They’re law enforcement. They carry it out. Speak the word of God out loud. 

“Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts, ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.”

We have ministering angels. When we’re feeling like we don’t have a lot of energy or anything like that, ask Father God to send His ministering angels to minister to you.

So, not only do we have law enforcement to carry out protection for us and carry out the blessings and the commandments of God for us for the angels, we actually have a health care plan. We have a health care plan as a citizen of the kingdom of God. We have what’s called ministering angels. Your back’s hurting, you got some aches and pains, “Father God, send Your ministering angels to me. It’s my healthcare plan.” Benefits, benefits, benefits!

“Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion, bless the Lord, O my soul.”

So when you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are born again of the spirit, right? Jesus Christ comes to live within you. The Holy Spirit comes to live within you, and you become what? A citizen of the kingdom of God. You become of the family of the kingdom of God. We’ve got to know we have all these benefits and receive them, have understanding of this. Do not walk around like an orphan anymore. You are royalty. You are of the kingdom of God, and everything that Jesus Christ has access to in the kingdom of God, you have too now, everything.

And we’re coming into this, what we call a Kingdom Age where people are finally coming out of this old religious doormat mindset and finally coming into the kingdom mindset, which Jesus came to give us and teach us about. 

What did he tell his disciples to do? Go out and tell them the kingdom of God is at hand. It’s for us. Receive it. And you don’t have to wait for the kingdom of God until you go to Heaven. It’s right here in the earth. You belong already. You have all the benefits of the kingdom of God here on earth. Jesus said we would do greater things than He even did —  signs, wonders, miracles. We’re finally coming into that understanding.

Now, I have a teaching on my website: What  is the Kingdom Age? (https://www.annamariestrawhand.com/what-is-the-kingdom-age/)  And what is it that we’re coming into? That’s when we finally awaken and have a full understanding that we belong to the kingdom of God here in earth. We have all these benefits. We can do all the things that Jesus did and even more. We can ask for angels. We can ask for all these benefits. 

What keeps us from these benefits? Sin and wrong thinking and religious doctrine that is wrong. See the religious doctrine wants to what? Control us. Worldly governments want to what? Control us. But we belong to the kingdom of God, and we have a kingdom mindset. We know who we really belong to. We don’t have to worry about the government providing for our needs. We don’t have to worry about what we’re going to wear to church. God is our Father, our provider. He’s taken care of all of it. We have all those benefits. 

So, my friends, are you ready to pray this prayer? You can repeat after me.

Pray Out Loud

Heavenly Father, Father God, we come to You today, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have been born again in the spirit. Jesus Christ lives within us. The Holy Spirit lives within us. We thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for Your finished work on the Cross. Thank You for purchasing us back to God. We are now citizens of the kingdom of God. We are now of the family of God, so right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, we receive all the benefits of the kingdom of God. Holy Spirit, teach us how to understand and operate with these benefits. We thank You, Father God; we thank You, Lord Jesus; we thank You, Holy Spirit, for all access to Your kingdom and all its benefits because of Jesus. This has been made available to me, my household, and my children, and my children’s children. I receive this now by faith — my kingdom citizenship of the kingdom of Almighty God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Hallelujah! Amen! Amen, and so be it!! 


Whoo hooo!! Yes, yes, yes! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me. Bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits! Come on! Come on, God!

Wow, now y’all are ready. Get into that kingdom mindset. I encourage you to go to my teaching on my website at annamariestrawhand.com: What is the Kingdom Age? We’re coming into this time of full understanding of theh kingdom of God on the earth and how it operates through us believers in Jesus Christ and how we must really operate and understand all of the benefits that we have and how to partake of those benefits for us and children and our household.

We’re all set. We are all set. Come on! God is good. He is faithful. He loves us. He sent His only son to die for us to purchase us back. It was a legal transaction [Inaudible] kingdom. And see, the devil is hoping that we don’t understand this. He’s hoping that we’ll still walk around like orphans. Yeah.

“Devil, I know who my daddy is! It’s Almighty God. I belong to the kingdom of Heaven. Hands off, devil. I’m going to ask my daddy to send His angels right now. Father God, the devil’s messing with me. Send Your angels right now, Lord. Thank You, Dad. Thank You, Father. I  have all authority. I have the same authority that Jesus Christ has. Devil, I take authority over you, in Jesus Christ’s name.”

You have all those benefits, all of them. Use them. Come on. Jesus died for you to have them. Isn’t that wonderful?